Is There Intelligent Life Out There?

Is There Intelligent Life Out There? A fascinating question that people have pondered since they begin watching the Stars has been, “Is there life out there?” In modern times this question has been changed to, “Is there intelligent life out there?”

Being that we exist and the vastness of the Universe, the odds are high that there are many other life forms out there. It is also likely that many of those life forms are undoubtedly what some people refer to as being intelligent life.

But what does the term “Intelligent Life” denote?

Is a species disposition and ability to hate, harm, despise, and relentlessly kill its members a hallmark of intelligent life?

Is a species ability for tool making and its awareness of its surroundings a trademark of intelligent life?

Is the continuing evolution of a species tool-making skills into what is referred to as technology a definition of intelligent life?

Is a species cognitive awareness a benchmark for intelligent life?

Is there intelligent life out there?

Is there intelligent life anywhere?

The measure of what constitutes intelligent life is a human-based concept having no other examples of it to evaluate the validity of this concept.

A group of so-called humans fancies themselves as being intelligent life. Yet they are on a relentless rampage to destroy the only environment that is best suited for them to live.

This group of so-called humans earnestly believe that they are the beginning and the end of all understandings and knowledge.

These want to be humans vigorously labor to recreate the world in their image and likeness, grouping everyone into isolated pockets of race, book knowledge, bank account, and belief system.

For these so-called humans, this is intelligent life because they have no other model to base darkness, life, light, and intelligence upon other than what they have contrived.

Now, let us briefly consider how “Sparkling Blackness” appraises the pronouncements of what these so-called humans measure as being intelligent life.

We will use the Neanderthals book of make-believe to do this.

“This know also, that in the last day’s perilous times shall come. For men(women) shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affections, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent (not having control over urination and defecation(?)), fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

“For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sin, led away with divers lusts(homosexuality), ever-learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (Second Timothy 3:1-7).

“But evil men(women) and seducer shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” (Second Timothy 3:13) Note: Parenthesis in the above is added by me.

The above assessment is supposedly from a being looking at these so-called humans from a different dimensional viewpoint and have some reservations regarding their claim of being intelligent life.

If these want to be humans are indeed a form of intelligent life it is an intelligence that is severely self-serving and corrupt.

These so-called humans are like tiny babies who have learned how to stand and shake a rattle and think that they know everything because of this.

“Sparkling Blackness” laughs at them and will plunder them harshly when their moment comes.

Is there intelligent life out there?


What form of life is this intelligence?


Where does this intelligence exist?

Within the 10th to the power of 10 plus realities.

Can a real human being communicate with this intelligence?



By humility, seeking, and touching.

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Conspiracy Theorists for Dummies

Conspiracy Theorists. If you have any uncertainties, especially concerning the activities of the U.S. government and its various agencies, you have a reservoir of resources that you can pull from in the form of conspiracy theorists.

These bastions of acute knowledge pop up like weeds in the lawn at every minor or major event. Conspiracy theorists know all the answers to what has happened and exactly who is behind it. You can trust everything that conspiracy theorists say because they are above the fold in their knowledge of everything.

Everything is a Grand Canyon-sized cover-up perpetrated by the ruling powers to keep their serfs on their lashes. Conspiracy theorists are suspicious of any explanation given to explain an event that is opposite to what they have concluded.

Not saying that this mindset is a tragedy, but only that it is very narrow in its scope. All peoples have the right and the duty to question those that they have chosen as their stewards. Nevertheless, the temperament of a government is the same as the temperament of a person, and some things are not practical for general consumption for a variety of reasons.

Many individuals do not want every detail of their private affairs publicly exposed. They feel that they have a right to a certain level of secrecy. When someone starts to get a little too nosy most people will automatically go into the cover-up and disinformation mode to keep their preferred level of personal anonymity.

This self-defense mechanism holds of the government and its agencies as well; however, this group must be open in how it spends the taxpayer’s money and administrative decisions that it makes that affect the well-being of its citizens.

The motives of conspiracy theorists differ from that of the normal lifestyle, which is only to live a happy and healthy life. Some do it for notoriety. Others for financial gain. Others because they want to be the know it all and show-offs. Others because they cannot find a constructive way to spend their time.

Conspiracy theorists do serve a purpose by making government entities accountable for their behavior and practices. Unfortunately, most conspiracy theorists mislead, distort, and outright lie to a greater extent than the person or agency that they are calling into question.

Overlooking the flaws of conspiracy theorists, what can be said about the conspiracy theorists’ approach to information sharing seeing as they are only doing what is natural to them in a world that is pressed down under the weight of a deluge of white lies.

Overall, the conspiracy theorists’ approach to information sharing sucks. Conspiracy theorists jump on the current bandwagon and ride it into splinters. They usually cause more confusion than clarity. They generally have no qualms about using inventions, falsehood, and fibs to promote their propaganda and agendas.

Conspiracy theorists seem to view most people as being Dodo birds that can be easily hoodwinked and bamboozled by them. To this end, conspiracy theorists are generally insulting and annoying. Fancying themselves to be the bastions of all knowledge and truth, conspiracy theorists make a citadel of their viewpoints and opinions regardless of the evidence before them.

Conspiracy theorists adore being the focal point of attraction and the absolute center of attention. They swim in a sea of their self-importance, looking down harshly upon anyone who has the conceited gall to disagree with them.

As mentioned, conspiracy theorists do serve a purpose as a check and balance system, which is useful in keeping certain individuals and agencies on their toes. A control system that works if the conspiracy theorists have personal integrity, a strong code of ethics, and respect for others.

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Not Taking the Time to Understand

Not taking the time to understand what you think that you want is the cause of much frustration and anguish in your life. You ask yourself why you are not able to accomplish the task that you have given yourself, and you begin looking for someone or something outside of yourself as being the culprit behind your lack of success.

Your principal hindrance is you, or to be more precise, your methods of thinking that deprive you of using critical analysis skills. So, what can you do to alleviate yourself of this reasoning deficit that is keeping you at a standstill?

You must first understand that your method of processing data is a habit that you have developed, and like any habit, moving too fast without thinking can be overcome with practice. You must place that which you think that you want inside the broader picture of your life and see how it fits.

If none of this works, find a tree with sturdy branches and hang yourself. It is better to move into another dimension of existence than to be trapped in an unproductive one that you have created for yourself.

Your thinking is the cause of your problems, as you do not take the time to think but choose to act on instincts. You quickly move into a new endeavor using the same approach that has not yielded any benefits at any time before, unconsciously replicating activities that have repeatedly failed without realizing it.

Every individual has the responsibility for crafting the world view that is the best fit for them. Eternity does not allow anyone to give their thinking abilities to anyone else. Not taking the time to understand what you think that you want is allowing that which you think that you want to do your thinking for you.

I think that I want her in my arms but is that the best place for her to be. If I take the time to think more about this, I may see that she is the ultra-wrong woman that I should want to be in my arms. Without carefully thinking, I then go ahead and make life difficult for both myself and her by holding someone in my arms that should not be there.

Not taking the time to understand what you think that you want usually leads to weak and uncertain behavior. Weak and uncertain behavior often leads to a barrier that you have inserted where what you have set out to do is not done.

I think that I want to kiss her mouth, but she has some type of cold or allergy, so should I really do this. The lack of using critical thinking cause me to kiss her and I end up taking a trip to the hospital emergency room for my thoughtlessness.

Now, what is the point of what I have said? I don’t know because I have not taken the time to think about what I am saying.

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How Much of What?

How much is being physically and mentally healthy and feeling good about yourself worth to you? Do you measure your well-being and peace of mind in monetary values? If you do, so well for you as everyone must find their own path in this portal called life.

The path of life that I try to travel is to embrace. I have chosen to embrace minding my own business. I have determined to curtail negative thoughts about myself and about others as soon as they materialize and not allow them the fester and take root. 

For many years I felt that I would not live to be thirty years of age. I have done so, and what does it mean? Would it not have been better if I had never been born than to live for a moment, grow old and ugly, and then die?

Several times during my life, death has approached me and turned to the side. Is it possible that even death does not consider me as being worthy of it? I do not believe that worthiness is the reason why death has shunned me thus far, as death does not have the same cares and concerns as does the living.

How much is feeling good about your self-worth to you? Is it worth doing harm to other people, harming other life forms, or devastating the environment in which you live? 

 I took the wonderful by the hand and kissed it tenderly at which she warmly smiled at me. So, what is to be made of her response? Perchance a flourishing romance will be the byproduct of her reaction to my kiss.

The wind has blown, and the storm will come. Suddenly in a clear azure-sky particle matter will be consumed at the speed of thought, and that which exists will no longer be.

How much is your feeling of wholesomeness worth to you? The melancholy has dejected the downcast, and the wretched has a smile on his or her face. None of these temperaments are well suited for those of us who have decided to own positive personality traits. 

My thoughts and desires are of the marvelously brilliant, yet I cannot find her. I have looked over here, and I have looked over there, but she is still only make-believe to me. 

What does it take to help you to feel whole and complete? Is it this, or is it that?

The shadows of time have engulfed me. I am not young anymore. My thoughts are not for me, but of my younger ones that are coming behind me. What can, and should I do for them? I have wasted my life in my life. Is this what I should tell them? Will telling them this aid them in managing theirs? 

I will keep my mouth closed as I am the least of all to be giving anyone a suggestion. 

Paradise cannot find a more perfect place to exist than within the soft confines of her dark complexion. Within those other dimensions of here and beyond, I hold delicate to the touch, close and very tenderly. 

How much of what is not enough of much?

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Alive and Deadly

Alive and Deadly. HIV has not gone away. This virus is still very much alive and is just as deadly. According to descovyhcp.com, “An estimated 40,000 new infections will be diagnosed this year in the United States (US)2.
Approximately 1.1 million individuals are at risk of sexually acquired HIV.” You can view the entire article at https://www.descovyhcp.com/.

According to unaids.org, “In 2018, around 770 000 [570 000–1.1 million] people died from AIDS-related illnesses worldwide, compared to 1.7 million [1.3 million–2.4 million] in 2004 and 1.2 million [860 000–1.6 million] in 2010.” Young women aged 15–24 years are twice as likely to be living with HIV than men” also, tuberculosis remains the leading cause of death among people living with HIV, accounting for around one in three AIDS-related deaths. You can read the entire report at https://www.unaids.org/en/resources/fact-sheet.

So, what do these statistics mean to me, and what do they mean to you? These statistics show a life destroyer is still lurking and will take advantage of our lack of discretion. The psychological effects of living with HIV can cause a person to lose interest in life and compassion for others. Despite the use of antiretroviral therapy living with HIV can give you a feeling of helplessness. You want so much to say something to her, you want so much to say something to him, but your illness prevents it.

HIV has not gone away. It still kills. Only, quietly now like so many other diseases moved from the media spotlight. Protect yourself and others. Respect yourself and others. Be mindful that you are the world, and all its peoples are within you, so love them by not deliberately harming them.


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