the kiss

The Kiss


The Kiss is a very challenging situation, especially since it stems from a personal experience. It’s understandable that this has affected how you feel about kissing scenes in movies now. Be careful, even with people you know.

the kiss

The Kiss. I did not have a problem with it in the past, but now I cringe when I see a kissing movie scene. This reaction to a kiss comes from personal experience that caused an eye condition that I have to contend with daily.

A milky substance blurs my vision and is most irritating because I have to wipe my eyes constantly. And this eye condition is all my fault because I kissed someone whom I knew was ill in some way, but I did not know from what.

I could use an excuse because as we were walking out the door she suddenly turned and gave me a firm kiss to the mouth. I was caught off guard, nevertheless I was extremely acquiescent to her burst of affection, or whatever it was. So much so that we relinquished and reestablished the kiss two or three times.

Within an hour my eyes felt irritated and were watery. Within three hours I was a walk-in at a local hospital, but I discharged myself from having a complete evaluation because I had dropped her off at a class she was taking and needed to rush to go pick her up.


Unwisely, I did not follow up my hospital visit, hoping that whatever I was suffering from would go away. Which it has not.

Some time later I when to an eye clinic and was told that my eyes were not producing enough tears. I was prescribed tear droplets to address the problem. I hoped that this would arrest my eye condition, which it has not.

I was ashamed to tell the doctor when and how my eye condition started, which may or may not have been another unwise move on my part, considering that I have learned that many doctors do not take the patients self-diagnosis seriously.

Along with the tear therapy solutions I have tried other eye care products to no avail and have given up on eye clinics because all I get from them is a repeat performance and no cure.

I don’t know if she deliberately placed the ill kiss on me nor why she suddenly turned as she did to kiss me. But I am not angry with her, I am too busy wiping my eyes for that. I am angry with myself because I knew better than to kiss her not knowing what she was suffering from, and I kissed her anyway.


I am the recipient of a quick series of kisses that have lasted a long time and there seems to be no end of those kisses in sight. This is why I cringe when I see kissing movie scenes. The romantic aspect of such scenes is done and gone.

Lips beware. Tongue confine yourself to tasting. Be careful because the mouth that breathes may produce the eyes that leak.