Herbert Hilliard

Retired computer tech. Bachelor degree in Computer Information Systems, Jones College, Jacksonville, Florida

Homosexuality and the New World Order Agenda

Homosexuality. There is no debating that a major outline of the New World Order plan for world dominance is a drastic reduction of the Earth’s human population. A handful of their plans for world dominance that were either deliberately instigated by them or happened by coincidence are:

  • The final solution for Germany’s social and ethic problems during World War Two.
  • The communist purges in Russia conducted by Lenin and Stalin before, during and after World Wars One and Two.
  • The purges in China conducted by Mao Zedong.
  • The slaughters of Pol Pot in Cambodia.
  • The ethnic cleansing of the Yugoslav and Bosnian wars.
  • The current purging of Christians in Egypt and other parts of the Middle-east.
  • The continuous slaughter of millions in the rest of Africa beyond Egypt.
  • The use of gay (homosexual males) to spread HIV and AIDS, among other diseases, worldwide.
  • The slaughter of well over a million people in Iraq by the United States to takeover that nation’s oil wells.

Are but faint and crude glimpses of what the New World Order has in store for humanity.

Homosexuality and gay marriages are being promoted as a human right. And true, it is a person’s innate right to be whatever she or he pleases if he or she does not infringe upon another person’s innate right to be in harmony with the natural order of the cosmos.

So-called black males have always had an identity crisis in the United States of America as to whether they were men or boys, and so, a disgraceful number of them have opted to be counterfeit girls instead.

This decision of so-called African-American males to be a female forgery fits the New World Order’s designs for the extermination of what it considers to be inferior human species quite well with very little effort on their part to reduce the population of so-called black people worldwide.

Homosexuality is now heavily promoted by the media and entertainment industries that are control behind the scenes by New World Order folks and by people who simply hate other people as a less expensive means to reduce the human population.

Nuclear and Bio-genetic weapons are being stocked piled as a last resort to drastically reduce the Earth’s human population by the one world visionaries for fear of the collateral damage that the deployment of these weapons will inflict upon them even hidden away in their shelters and bunkers.

The data that has been gathered by the launching of gay (homosexual males) infected with the HIV and AIDS virus onto the public have enabled researchers to refine that virus so that it can now be specifically targeted to certain groups of people according to their age, race, physical and mental health, and gender. Fund by avid supports of the New World Order, gay rights advocates are now exceedingly loud and obnoxious and pinned up like billboards on every form of communication and information media.

The target of these homosexual propaganda broadcasts is not teenagers or adults but the small children whose minds are still very receptive to external inputs and suggestions. You must remember that the New World Order concept and its growing and developing agendas are more than two hundred years old, so these people are focused and directed about what they want to carry out and pass it down from generation to generation.

Not saying that it is the best solution, but Adolf Hitler may have had the right solution concerning the homosexual problem in his country by exterminating the males and re-educating the young feminine looking females. Gay (homosexual males) are high volume carriers of diseases and plagues which are the reason why the so-called African-American community is so racked with the HIV and AIDS virus.

The quest for global dominance is as old as one person dominating another person, and then one house dominating another house, and then one village dominating another village, and so it goes embracing larger and larger spheres.

The One World Order visionaries will not achieve their ultimate goals of world domination and will go up in flames like all the other would-be one world rulers throughout human history have gone before them, but the human, animal, and natural desolation that they will unleash and leave in their attempts to rule the world will be mind-boggling.

Some people think that homosexuality is cute and many comedians base many of their jokes on this distortion of nature, but a person who is dying of AIDS and a person whose life has been turned inside out by HIV cannot see anything funny about a gay male. Like maggots that have eaten away a corpse, homosexuals will be tossed into the flames by the world rulers when they have no more use for them.

Now the contents of this article may give one the impression that I am a homophobe, and I can assure you that I am. When I was eleven years old a gay male confronted me when I was alone beside a river. He promised that he will throw me into the river and drown me if I did not do as he said. I will not go into any more of the disgusting details except to say that my self-esteem and my sense of person was thrown into that murky river and drowned that day.

The One World Order gang will use, distort, and twist whatever they need to in order to bring their dream of the decapitation of the human spirit to fruition. They want to eliminate at least ninety percent of the worlds human population and make slaves of the rest. This gang of losers want to be worshiped as gods having the power of life and death over their infidels and they are now using the repugnant squalid of homosexuality as a tool to confuse and disorient people.

You seldom hear of HIV and AIDS anymore on the mainstream media because the would-be world rulers have ordered them to downplay it because it is a direct assault against homosexuality which they want to promote as being a legitimate lifestyle. But the hospital beds and the grave stones are a dreadful witness to the consequences of homosexuality and they speak in volume of how base this practice is.

Some people do not believe that there is a group of people who are scheming for world dominance. A certain so-called black man did not believe that his white master would hang and then burn him until he was being dragged to a tree to be lynched. Homosexuals are extremely loud, visual, and noisy, giving the ignorant the impression that this sordid behavior is the norm. Well, it isn’t.

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What Does It Take to Stir You Into ACTION?

What Does It Take. Can you trust hiveaid.org? Yes. Register is a secure communications channel for HIV and AIDS positive people to express themselves and encourage one another, as such, hiveaid.org wants your membership and your encouraging voice far more than your money.

Hiveaid.org is created by an HIV positive person who is living the life that this virus brings. I personally know what it is to feel like a walking plague and to be fearful of being in intimate contact with people, even loved ones. I know what it is to be on the low-income scale and must pay co-payments for HIV medications.

I live every day with the dense dark shadow of HIV hovering over my head and know how it diminishes the quality of life, tarnishes dreams, and turns every small glimmer of happiness into sadness. Hiveaids.com is not a scam because being infected with HIV and AIDS is not a scam.

You don’t hear very much of HIV and AIDS today in the mainstream media but sickbeds are still being filled, early graves are still being dug, and lives are still being shattered by the HIV and AIDS virus. No one is begging you for anything.

We who are HIV and AIDS positive will live and die with or without your financial aid, however, your support would make many lives less stressful in the areas of medications, food, shelter, clothing, and transportation. Become a member of hiveaids.org, and if you have a mind too, give and donate. So, what does it take to stir you into action? God forbid, not by living the life that I live as an HIV positive person.

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Who are hiveaid.org Team Members

Team Members. Our team is composed of our family members who communicate with one another and build strong and lasting bonds by this interaction. Our philosophy is to enrich our lives personally and collectively. Each new member is a layer of understanding and enlightenment that brings out the best in all of us.

We work together for a common goal, making the cure for HIV and AIDS available because we believe that there is a cure for the HIV and AIDS virus and we want that cure released and distributed.

This is our team, YOU and YOU, standing out and making good things happen for all of us.

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Hiveaid.org is a point of contact and a meeting place for people who are HIV and AIDS positive.

Hiveaid.org is a point of contact and a meeting place for people who are HIV and AIDS positive. It is a community of people that share a common concern and have the same goals and are learning to find peace of mind and to be positive and productive with this illness.

I encourage you to spread the word about this social organization to friends, family, and acquaintances. Thank you for following hiveaid.org with a genuine warmth of thanksgiving.

Hiveaid.org is the next generation of social media platforms. Become a member and let us create the very best for the greatest reasons, rejuvenating the world by energizing people.

Hiveaid.org is a point of contact and a meeting place for people who are HIV and AIDS positive. Read More »

Become a Member of hiveaid.org

Hiveaid.org is focused exclusively upon HIV and AIDS positive persons. Hiveaids.com needs your help and support to aid those persons whose finances are inadequate to meet daily living expenses and the need to have their HIV and AIDS medications.

Hiveaid.org needs you to become one of its members in this growing community of proactive people where we encourage and reinforce one another.

Hiveaids.com is free to join and take part in its open discussions. All communications are private between members as confidentiality is strictly enforced.

Hiveaid.org is a point of contact and a meeting place for people who are HIV and AIDS positive. It is a community of people that share a common concern having the same goals and are learning to find peace of mind and to be positive and productive in living with this illness.

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Hiveaid.org is Dedicated to Helping People

Hello world. Hiveaid.org is dedicated to helping people that want to help themselves. Working with local support organizations, such as food, clothing, and furniture banks, as well as utility help services, hiveaids uses the generous support of its members to make a different in someone’s life where it counts so that they can focus on treating their illness.

Become a member and supporter of hiveaid.org and have the satisfaction of knowing that you are being a ray of light and a source of hope for someone who is disillusioned and do not know where to take the next step.

Helping others is only a burden if you make it one. Using hiveaid.org as your outstretched hand to others gives you the peace of mind and confidence in knowing that your gifts are doing as you intent them.

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