One incident

How one incident can break a relationship apart, but only if that relationship is fragile to begin with.

A strong relationship can withstand pressure and misunderstandings.

But a fragile relationship is like snowflakes drifting in the wind that can easily be blown apart by the slightest gust.

One incident can cause a rift between people that can be difficult to heal.

And who will step forward to try to patch the wound that one incident caused?

Not the strong-minded and not the weak-minded.

The one who places most value in the relationship is the one who will step forward to make the effort to repair what has been broken.

With each moment gone by an opportunity escape.

The next breath is what is at stake.

The wound cannot be healed within the vastness of eternity.

It is only on this side of twilight that amends can be made.

One person who has never been seen before and who will never be seen again cut the thin cord of connectivity between them.

For that to happen the connection between them had to be more of an illusion than a fact.

Pretending affection is as hollow and shallow as making believe.

When put to the test pretending and making believe comes out far less than authenticity.

The genuineness of a smile is much better than play-acting.

The openness of dislike is more honest than faking.

True feelings will eventually be exposed, and it may take only one incident to reveal them.

One incident to validate an assumption that was already present.

A relationship that you already knew to be lighter than half of a single feather.

No theories or conjectures as to why the plate has dropped.

One incident is all that it took to bring the proof to light.

So, you move on, not in despair, but in a dose of knowledge.

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