critical thinking

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Looking Up

Looking up is not hard to do unless you insist on looking down on yourself and your people. Your outlook on life is under your control.

If you allow others to sway your attitude about yourself and your people, then you are in the firm grip of their stupidity.

Learn to listen to your inner self and not to what a foreign entity is showing and telling you about yourself. Your people are the ones who will come to your defense when the enemy that you adore shows their true nature and turns against you.

The grotesquely obese white pig is making a mockery of you. Is your self-esteem that faint that you should go to the bottom of the lowest to feel that you have reached the top?

You take pride in reaching a supposed peak that is actually just a mirage created due to a genetic mistake around six thousand years ago.

Shifting your perspective upwards is as simple as elevating your thought process. By foolishly attempting to bring everything and everyone down to a single level of reality, you, who should be more discerning, become complicit in your own mental destruction by believing in the absurd.

A ghost has no power to do anything for you. What happens in your life is because you make it happen, whether it’s good or bad.

Those whom you seek validation from are not worthy of your consideration. You are the priority and will once again be the most important.

Those that have come from you are reaching the end of their life cycle. Free yourself from them and take control of your life again.

By focusing on yourself and your loved ones, you will find yourself in the place where you belong.

Free your mind from yourself and enjoy life.

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A Journey into A Mad Self-centered Persons Mind

A Journey. It may sound hard to believe, but there are certain malicious and self-centered elements within the United States of America, both in the government and in corporate entities, that are at odds with the citizens of this nation and people around the world.

These troublesome individuals aim to diminish what they perceive as lesser beings into obedient, mindless puppets. However, the victory is not theirs. The burdensome consequences will befall them if we become aware of their surreptitious actions and their overt attempts to control us.

They divert our attention from confronting them by entertaining us and by causing unnecessary heartache and trouble.

We recognize these harmful individuals because they greet us daily while polluting our food, water, land, and air and genetically modifying us by constantly bombarding us with harmful light, sound, microwave, and radio frequencies.

These arrogant dog owners believe that people are too dumb to tell the difference between regular water and the dirty water flowing from their kitchen faucets.

The current world system is based on lies and supported by even more lies. How many lies can a system sustain before it collapses?

The fool and their warped ideas will soon be gone, and what comes after may be better or worse. Whatever it is, the people of the world, its land, water, air, and animals desperately need a significant change.

We should urge governments and corporations to release cures for natural and human-engineered diseases and viruses that they claim not to have. We should have stopped using tarmacs and tires decades ago.

Paper money and the banking system create greed and wars, but we should embrace equality and diversity.

The current global system is a creation of the misguided and the delusional. Fish should be able to swim without succumbing to death by human waste.

Cut down trees only when necessary because they provide the air we need to breathe. There are many other things we could and should be doing if we set our minds to it, rather than wasting time on fruitless pursuits.

Do you really want to continue being carefree and happy-go-lucky, or would you rather become a passionate sports fan who enjoys a good beer? Don’t you want to break free from the mundane and seek new experiences?

A database hacker who has nothing better to do than to tamper with reasonably well-working software, or a force of marvelous destruction and extraordinary change? The universe awaits your answer.

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Not Taking the Time to Understand

Not taking the time to understand what you think that you want is the cause of much frustration and anguish in your life. You ask yourself why you are not able to accomplish the task that you have given yourself, and you begin looking for someone or something outside of yourself as being the culprit behind your lack of success.

Your principal hindrance is you, or to be more precise, your methods of thinking that deprive you of using critical analysis skills. So, what can you do to alleviate yourself of this reasoning deficit that is keeping you at a standstill?

You must first understand that your method of processing data is a habit that you have developed, and like any habit, moving too fast without thinking can be overcome with practice. You must place that which you think that you want inside the broader picture of your life and see how it fits.

If none of this works, find a tree with sturdy branches and hang yourself. It is better to move into another dimension of existence than to be trapped in an unproductive one that you have created for yourself.

Your thinking is the cause of your problems, as you do not take the time to think but choose to act on instincts. You quickly move into a new endeavor using the same approach that has not yielded any benefits at any time before, unconsciously replicating activities that have repeatedly failed without realizing it.

Every individual has the responsibility for crafting the world view that is the best fit for them. Eternity does not allow anyone to give their thinking abilities to anyone else. Not taking the time to understand what you think that you want is allowing that which you think that you want to do your thinking for you.

I think that I want her in my arms but is that the best place for her to be. If I take the time to think more about this, I may see that she is the ultra-wrong woman that I should want to be in my arms. Without carefully thinking, I then go ahead and make life difficult for both myself and her by holding someone in my arms that should not be there.

Not taking the time to understand what you think that you want usually leads to weak and uncertain behavior. Weak and uncertain behavior often leads to a barrier that you have inserted where what you have set out to do is not done.

I think that I want to kiss her mouth, but she has some type of cold or allergy, so should I really do this. The lack of using critical thinking cause me to kiss her and I end up taking a trip to the hospital emergency room for my thoughtlessness.

Now, what is the point of what I have said? I don’t know because I have not taken the time to think about what I am saying.

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