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Why is drug use so prevalent in so many nations today?

Why is drug use so prevalent in so many nations today? Since the beginning of time, people have used drugs, and some animals have even developed an addiction to particular plants.

The use of hallucinogenic drugs is a widespread practice in many religious ceremonies taken to produce an outer body experience and gain celestial insights. In modern times the creation of drug addicts seems to be one of several military strategies implemented to weaken a society or nation.

I begin using drugs because some of the people that I knew encouraged me to use them. I continued using drugs because of the pleasure they brought me and a means of escaping my reality that held so many areas of dissatisfaction for me. As my addiction gained more control of me, I became increasingly ashamed of myself, to the extent that I isolated myself from my family because I did not want them to see me in such a pitiful condition.

I was able to overcome my drug habit, except for cigarettes, but the side effects, or the aftereffects of habitual drug use are still present in my life, not the lease the knowledge and the awareness of so many years of my life wasted, and my ambitions shattered.

I am sure that my story is a common one but that does not satisfy the question as to why drug use is so rampant. Why are so many people so willing to lose their minds? Why are governments the most active and organized drug dealers, even to the harm of their own people?

There are people on the web who want to profit from the disillusionment and sorrows of others. They walk or drive up and down streets invading people’s privacy for monetary clicks on their video channels. They have no empathy for human suffering. They are like carnivores eating away at rotting flesh with their concealed camaras and indifference to personal tragedies. But even this despicable endeavor does not explain why drug and alcohol abuse are so prolific today.

As an active (cigarettes), and former (marijuana and cocaine) drug user I can understand the desire for relief, pleasure, and escape that drug use seems to bring. I also understand the abundant devastation to dreams and productiveness that addiction brings.

The core reason for my drug use was a feeling of being inadequate and low self-esteem. I still feel inadequate in several ways and my self-esteem is marginal at best, but now I can appreciate my shortcomings with a sober mind that gives me active avenues of approach in addressing them.

It I so disheartening to see the people of the fertile soil falling apart one too any number of brain cells at a time. As it is likewise depressing to witness the flowing rivers embracing personality traits that are toxic and foreign to them. The world is awash in the addiction of self-indulgence and appeasement of self. Governments are becoming societies’ most destructive entity. Financial institutions are making vast amounts of money on human suffering and spilled blood.

Despite constant butchering and wars too many people are overwhelming all other forms of nature. But none of this explains why drug addiction is ripping the life out of so many cultures throughout the world. There are no adequate answers to this disheartening phenomenon. This may just be a brief period of self-induced trauma for a developing or diminishing species. Forgive my language if I sound in any way disrespectful but the freedom of expression compels me to be true to myself.

As a former drug user, I dare not give any advice to anyone as to how to curtail their drug habit. All I can say is that I became so ashamed of the things that I was doing to obtain my brief high that it came to a point that I could no longer become high no matter the amount of my drug intake. The feeling of guilt and shame overwhelmed me and the frustration of not being able to get high anymore troubled me. Yet, I did not stop my pursuit of the high that I could no longer obtain.

It was not until I was arrested and taken out of my drug environment that I had a chance to make the change in my life that I so desperately wanted. It took weeks and three to four showers a day to get the drugs out of my system.

I could smell the awful smell of my drug addiction as it was being cleansed from the pores of my skin. And without any effort on my part my desire for drugs simply vanished. I have been clean and sober since, which has now reached two decades.

I can understand addiction which is why it is so sorrowing to see how epidemic it is, especially among the first born of humanoids.

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Self-deception: Regaining Sanity

Self-deception refers to the process of fooling oneself or deliberately deceiving oneself, often unconsciously, into believing something that is not true or distorting reality in order to protect one’s ego, maintain a particular belief, or avoid facing uncomfortable truths. It involves rationalizing or justifying one’s thoughts, emotions, or behaviors in ways that shield oneself from cognitive dissonance or negative emotions.

Self-deception can take various forms and can occur in different aspects of life, including personal relationships, self-image, beliefs, and decision-making processes. It can be influenced by biases, fears, desires, social pressures, and other psychological factors.

Here are a few examples of self-deception:

  1. Confirmation bias: Seeking and accepting information that supports one’s existing beliefs while ignoring or dismissing contradictory evidence.
  2. Rationalization: Creating logical-sounding explanations or justifications for one’s actions or beliefs to make them appear more acceptable or reasonable, even when they may not be.
  3. Denial: Refusing to acknowledge or accept certain truths or realities that are uncomfortable or threatening to one’s self-image or worldview.
  4. Wishful thinking: Convincing oneself that something desired or hoped for will come true, despite evidence or odds to the contrary.
  5. Projection: Attributing one’s own thoughts, feelings, or behaviors to others in order to avoid recognizing or addressing them within oneself.

It’s important to note that self-deception is a complex psychological phenomenon and is not always intentional or consciously driven. Sometimes, individuals may genuinely believe in their self-deceptions, making it difficult to distinguish between intentional deception and genuine self-delusion.

Recognizing and confronting self-deception can be challenging, as it often involves a deep exploration of one’s own thoughts, emotions, and biases. Self-reflection, seeking feedback from others, and being open to different perspectives can help in uncovering and addressing self-deceptive patterns. Engaging in critical thinking, being aware of cognitive biases, and maintaining a willingness to challenge one’s own beliefs are also valuable tools to minimize the impact of self-deception.

Is self-deception harmful?

Self-deception can have both positive and negative consequences, depending on the context and extent to which it is practiced. While it may serve as a temporary coping mechanism or provide a sense of comfort, in the long run, self-deception can be harmful.

Here are some reasons why self-deception can be detrimental:

  1. Distorted perception of reality: Self-deception can lead to a distorted understanding of reality, as it involves denying or distorting information that contradicts one’s beliefs or desires. This can prevent individuals from making informed decisions and engaging with reality as it is, potentially leading to poor judgments and misguided actions.
  2. Impaired problem-solving and growth: By avoiding or denying uncomfortable truths, self-deception inhibits personal growth and problem-solving abilities. Facing and addressing challenges and acknowledging one’s weaknesses or mistakes is essential for learning, self-improvement, and adapting to new situations.
  3. Damaged relationships: Self-deception can strain relationships with others. If one consistently deceives oneself about one’s own behavior, it becomes difficult to recognize and take responsibility for the impact one’s actions have on others. This can lead to a breakdown in trust and hinder the development of healthy and authentic connections.
  4. Emotional and psychological consequences: Self-deception can contribute to internal conflicts and emotional distress. Maintaining contradictory beliefs or suppressing emotions can lead to cognitive dissonance, anxiety, and a lack of self-awareness. It can also impede the development of emotional intelligence and hinder effective communication and problem-solving skills.
  5. Missed opportunities for personal development: By avoiding uncomfortable truths, individuals may miss out on opportunities for personal growth, self-reflection, and self-improvement. Honest self-assessment is crucial for identifying areas that require attention and for pursuing personal goals and aspirations.

While self-deception may offer temporary relief or protection from discomfort, it can have long-term consequences that hinder personal development, strain relationships, and impede one’s ability to navigate the world effectively. Striving for self-awareness, critical thinking, and a willingness to confront uncomfortable truths can be important steps toward mitigating the harmful effects of self-deception.

Overcoming self-deception:

  1. Cultivate self-awareness: Developing self-awareness is essential for recognizing and acknowledging self-deceptive patterns. Regularly engage in introspection and self-reflection to understand your thoughts, emotions, biases, and motivations. Pay attention to inconsistencies between your beliefs, actions, and the reality of situations.
  2. Seek external feedback: Others can often provide valuable perspectives and insights that can help uncover self-deception. Seek feedback from trusted friends, family members, mentors, or therapists who can provide honest observations and challenge your assumptions.
  3. Challenge your beliefs and biases: Actively question and critically examine your beliefs, assumptions, and biases. Seek out alternative viewpoints and information that may contradict your existing beliefs. Engage in open-minded dialogue and consider the evidence objectively.
  4. Embrace discomfort: Overcoming self-deception requires facing uncomfortable truths and emotions. Embrace discomfort as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Be willing to confront difficult realities, acknowledge mistakes, and learn from them.
  5. Practice mindfulness: Cultivating mindfulness can help you become more present and aware of your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Mindfulness can help you notice self-deceptive patterns as they arise and allow you to respond consciously instead of reacting automatically.
  6. Develop critical thinking skills: Strengthen your ability to think critically and evaluate information objectively. Learn about logical fallacies, cognitive biases, and common thinking errors. By understanding these cognitive processes, you can better recognize when you are falling into self-deception and challenge your own reasoning.
  7. Seek professional help if needed: If self-deception is significantly impacting your life or relationships, consider seeking the assistance of a therapist or counselor. They can provide guidance, support, and techniques to help you overcome self-deceptive tendencies and develop healthier thought patterns.

Harmful examples of self-deception:

  1. Transgenderism
  2. The Ashkenazi cockazoids now occupying Canaan saying and believing that they are ancient Hebrews.
  3. The people now raving Kemet (which the Greeks called Egypt) saying that the old ones of the Black land are their ancestors.
  4. Melanated people wanting to be cockazoid
  5. Men walking around with their butts hanging out and thinking that immature conduct is manly.
  6. Being loud and behaving stupidly and thinking this type of behavior is something to be proud of.

Suggestion for a distorted perception of reality:

Remember, overcoming self-deception is an ongoing process that requires patience, self-compassion, and dedication. It may involve unlearning deeply ingrained beliefs and behaviors. By consistently practicing self-reflection, seeking truth, and challenging your assumptions, you can gradually reduce self-deception and foster personal growth and authenticity.

Note: AI assist

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HIV stigma

HIV stigma. HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is a virus that attacks the immune system and can lead to AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome), a condition in which the immune system is severely weakened and unable to fight off infections and diseases. HIV is primarily spread through sexual contact, sharing needles or other injection equipment with an infected person, and from mother to child during pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding.

HIV is not to be accepted as being a natural human deficiency. Although we are not sure where and how HIV originated there are indications that it was developed in a lab in California, United States as one of the U.S.A governments ongoing research projects into biological weapons, such as the recent outbreak of coronavirus (COVID-19).

Money is a hindrance to finding or releasing the cure for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus as various interests’ groups profit from this disease as they do from other diseases that could be cured. Regardless of the motives of others it is important to be aware of HIV and to take steps to protect yourself and others from the virus.

When the country first became conscious of the HIV virus in the 1980s the virus was publicized and classified as being a gay (homosexual) disease, this should indicate that unnatural sexual activity is dangerous and should be avoided regardless of current social trends as to what is acceptable behavior.

HIV stigma and discrimination can be harmful to people living with HIV and can prevent them from seeking care and treatment. It is important to challenge HIV stigma and promote understanding and acceptance of people living with HIV.

By being aware of HIV and taking steps to protect yourself and others, you can help prevent the spread of the virus and ensure that those living with HIV get the care and support they need.

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Just for you

Just for you. Your shopping spree is not complete until you visit the author’s collection at Enjoy free contactless delivery, satisfaction guarantee, review before you buy, and a wonderful reading experience. Take pleasure in romance novels at their best, just for you.

Also, if you want to understand the meanings of your dreams take a tour of where dream interpretations are accomplished by sharing them with others. The dream forum is free to use and there are no subscription requirements.

Living HIV positive can be a challenge so join the conversations at where membership is free, and the only requirement is that you be an active member. We want to hear from you.

Bestowing-life is your portal to all that is wholesome and good, become an active subscriber, there are no costs or hidden fees. Visit,, and now.

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In Silence

In Silence. HIV and AIDS do not make the news anymore, but it is still destroying lives in silence. No one should be content with human suffering in any form. We should always fight against it. We advance as a species by standing against human, animal, and ecological afflictions.

Let us not be swayed by the current trends but stand for that which is natural and right. We grow individually and collectively by uplifting ourselves from the mind and the passions of the depraved by elevating our conscious domain and awareness. Human-created suffering is not natural and must not be the accepted norm.

The entire world has recently experienced the horrors of a laboratory-created illness that has negatively changed our lives. There is little doubt that HIV, which causes AIDS, is a biological weapon created by the United States. HIV was an experimental project using homosexuals and criminals as the subjects. These subjects were this biological weapon’s operational targets upon deployment.

Just as recent events illustrate, sloppy control and management procedures allowed the weapon to escape into the general population. Dead bodies, undue suffering, and social disorder were and are the results of these biological leakages. These are not conspiracies. These are facts.

There are people in power, “people with money,” whose goal to drastically reduce the earth’s human population is very much alive and active. These people will not enter the line, much less get to the front of the line to be the first to be eliminated to achieve their goal.

Enough said about the “root cause” of so much human misery, let’s get back to HIV. For many interest groups, it is advantageous financially to keep HIV active. We all know the financial advantages of an active virus, so there is no need to specify them here. What we need to emphasize is human compassion over self-centeredness and money.

Just be patient. The human population will naturally self-destruct much quicker than any of the other now-extinct life forms that have inhabited this planet. For now, let’s fight for a cure for HIV if one is not available, and if a cure for HIV is available, let’s demand that it be accessible to all people.

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Distorted Cultural Norms

Distorted Cultural Norms. One of the cultural norms that is being promoted today can only lead to a proliferation of diseases and an increasing deterioration of the human gene. At one time it was fashionable to have human beings as one’s personal property (slaves). In the United States (which practiced the most animalistic, sadistic, and inhumane of this practice) it took a brutal war of suffering and death to bring what was considered fashionable and a source of self-esteem to an end.

Throughout history the majority of the earth’s peoples have been led this way and that way like a mindless horde by the self-proclaimed elites. This is true, and even more so today, even with the easy access to information that the worlds people have at their disposal. Led into all sorts of behaviors that distorts the nature of the cosmos by a tiny group of people who have a twisted mentality and garbled moral values is the nauseous state of those who have abandon their capacity to think for themselves.

Swept away by this trend and the current fad into the dense portals of no future, the lot is saturated within a boiling pot of no return which is they’re just fitting for being so easily influenced and led. Regard not the “SHE” and the “HE” of it but do as you deem fit. Make not a sound of protest as the flames of the burning are kindled for your head. The pale has brought untold calamity upon the peoples of the world and the earth’s ecosystem yet they’re malevolence has not reached its end.

Distorted Cultural Norms. A cultural norm may not be the standard of life but a means that the boisterous benumbed has of expressing themselves. The custom of the quagmire is only a tomb that has been open for those who are more than willing to enter within. Ominous is the purge of diseases that look upon the confused with much hunger for the devouring bugs of panic and terror have spoons, knives, and forks in anticipation for the banquet that is being prepared for them.

The buffet of the level-headed is common sense but common sense is past tense in the vocabulary of today’s world. The earth and its people are thoroughly polluted by so-called civilized whiteness that has made a mockery of everything in their zeal to feel superior. Everyone is everything and everyone is nothing, the new cultural norm of complete oblivion for everyone and everything.

Distorted Cultural Norms. The first-born is engulfed by a self-inflicted foolishness that renders them useless in bringing the world back to its proper order. Yet, all is not lost as the winds of change blows from here to there and those who “ARE” will utterly defeat those who are not. Stand up for what is right.

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How Much of What?

How much is being physically and mentally healthy and feeling good about yourself worth to you? Do you measure your well-being and peace of mind in monetary values? If you do, so well for you as everyone must find their own path in this portal called life.

The path of life that I try to travel is to embrace. I have chosen to embrace minding my own business. I have determined to curtail negative thoughts about myself and about others as soon as they materialize and not allow them the fester and take root. 

For many years I felt that I would not live to be thirty years of age. I have done so, and what does it mean? Would it not have been better if I had never been born than to live for a moment, grow old and ugly, and then die?

Several times during my life, death has approached me and turned to the side. Is it possible that even death does not consider me as being worthy of it? I do not believe that worthiness is the reason why death has shunned me thus far, as death does not have the same cares and concerns as does the living.

How much is feeling good about your self-worth to you? Is it worth doing harm to other people, harming other life forms, or devastating the environment in which you live? 

 I took the wonderful by the hand and kissed it tenderly at which she warmly smiled at me. So, what is to be made of her response? Perchance a flourishing romance will be the byproduct of her reaction to my kiss.

The wind has blown, and the storm will come. Suddenly in a clear azure-sky particle matter will be consumed at the speed of thought, and that which exists will no longer be.

How much is your feeling of wholesomeness worth to you? The melancholy has dejected the downcast, and the wretched has a smile on his or her face. None of these temperaments are well suited for those of us who have decided to own positive personality traits. 

My thoughts and desires are of the marvelously brilliant, yet I cannot find her. I have looked over here, and I have looked over there, but she is still only make-believe to me. 

What does it take to help you to feel whole and complete? Is it this, or is it that?

The shadows of time have engulfed me. I am not young anymore. My thoughts are not for me, but of my younger ones that are coming behind me. What can, and should I do for them? I have wasted my life in my life. Is this what I should tell them? Will telling them this aid them in managing theirs? 

I will keep my mouth closed as I am the least of all to be giving anyone a suggestion. 

Paradise cannot find a more perfect place to exist than within the soft confines of her dark complexion. Within those other dimensions of here and beyond, I hold delicate to the touch, close and very tenderly. 

How much of what is not enough of much?

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Alive and Deadly

Alive and Deadly. HIV has not gone away. This virus is still very much alive and is just as deadly. According to, “An estimated 40,000 new infections will be diagnosed this year in the United States (US)2.
Approximately 1.1 million individuals are at risk of sexually acquired HIV.” You can view the entire article at

According to, “In 2018, around 770 000 [570 000–1.1 million] people died from AIDS-related illnesses worldwide, compared to 1.7 million [1.3 million–2.4 million] in 2004 and 1.2 million [860 000–1.6 million] in 2010.” Young women aged 15–24 years are twice as likely to be living with HIV than men” also, tuberculosis remains the leading cause of death among people living with HIV, accounting for around one in three AIDS-related deaths. You can read the entire report at

So, what do these statistics mean to me, and what do they mean to you? These statistics show a life destroyer is still lurking and will take advantage of our lack of discretion. The psychological effects of living with HIV can cause a person to lose interest in life and compassion for others. Despite the use of antiretroviral therapy living with HIV can give you a feeling of helplessness. You want so much to say something to her, you want so much to say something to him, but your illness prevents it.

HIV has not gone away. It still kills. Only, quietly now like so many other diseases moved from the media spotlight. Protect yourself and others. Respect yourself and others. Be mindful that you are the world, and all its peoples are within you, so love them by not deliberately harming them.

Also be sure to visit Dreamshare, Radiance In Reading, and

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How Do You Feel About Yourself Today?

How Do You Feel About Yourself Today? The stigma of being HIV positive is a balancing act between self-disdain and self-acceptance. How do you feel about yourself today? How did you sleep last night, if at all? What were your dreams about if you were able to sleep? What are you looking forward to today?

Contentment and happiness aren’t environmental constructs but are the products of the mind. The mind is where we live. The body is where we merely exist. So, what can we do to find joy in both mind and body?

Perhaps not thinking too harshly of ourselves is a place to start. And not thinking negatively of others is our next step along our path towards inner peace.

There is nothing gained by self-pity except the depleting of the energy force that connects us to unimaginable windows, orbs, and spheres. We can love and be loved. We can make love if we are mindful of ourselves and others.

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