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Freed from the clutches of fantasy

Freed from the clutches of fantasy, dreaming, and superstitions I can now appreciate my oneness and uniqueness within the cosmos. I am in harmony with all universal frequencies which is the nucleus of existence. Lights and reflections have absorbed me into its frequencies of sounds, and colors, and truths, where I can except knowledge on its terms without superimposing my assumptions into them.

I freed myself from the coils of cultural stagnation by being willing to question what people who want me to see and experience the universe through their lenses have taught me. I have raised myself from the sphere of the willful blind and the willful foolish who want to cradle me into their narrow graves with them.

It is difficult to obtain freedom within a world built on lies. Obtaining true knowledge is becoming increasingly difficult. What is true knowledge? And will I except what the evidence tells me, or will I select knowledge based on a preconceived opinion instilled in me from childhood? I know that there is a biological difference between a male and a female. I know that those are two unique and separate entities within the universal frequencies of existence regardless of what the misguided are trying to tell me.

Freed from the horde who are eagerly rushing towards their slaughter and who are doing all that they can to bring it about as quickly as possible. I am one with life and I am one with death and I have sense enough to know that the planet Earth has always undergone climate change and will continue to do so as long as it exists.

The buffoon says that I am because of what I have, and crafty subliminal imagery perpetrated by those who hold themselves aloft from the thoughtless horde and hate everyone and everything are misleading the wise. Clandestine are the works of the destroyers of minds having their mechanisms and machineries well in place before a potential horde member is even conceived; in the foods that we eat, in the liquids that we drink, in the air that we breathe, in all the frequencies that constantly bombard our bodies infused with think suppressant codes.

The back yard is overgrown and unkept whereas the front yard is an Immaculate conception of attention and care. Why is not the back yard as flawless as the front yard? Who knows and who cares, that is not the point. The point is consistency in housekeeping and where you draw the fault lines of good housekeeping practices, clone work, and distinctive construction. I imagine that the front yard is an Immaculate conception seeded from on high and I imagine the back yard to be a heavenly rebellion cast down on my property. Given the evidence of the seen and the understood, which one of these housekeeping possibilities is most likely to be true?

Being free I have the luxury of being able to analyze the above scenarios without the dense cloud of indoctrination interfering with my quest for knowledge. And my quest for knowledge tells me that the front yard carries more self-esteem than the back yard for the homeowner. This is as simple as a male cannot produce an egg, it must have an egg produced by a female implanted into it.

Freed from the clutches of a whitewashed view of the world I can soar into the multi-universe of consciousness where even its chaos has rules, structure, and purpose. The conventions of the recently mutated are trying to turn the fundamental into the inconsequential and an absolute into something trivial. I am free to know that lie shouts louder when the lie is exposed unwilling to fall away gracefully, if you can call all the harm, ignorance, and death that the lie has perpetrated as being a graceful surrender.

The rapture is happening right before our eyes because it is a rapture of the mind into a higher elevation of thinking and not religious nonsense that so many people are looking and hoping for and are even working for by their support of a certain people who are nothing more than identity thieves.

With freedom comes discipline and self-control, knowing nonsense when it hits you in the ears and not becoming full of yourself, for that is what the whitewashed sepulcher does, thinking themselves to be the ultimate definition and source of knowledge.

Freed from the clutches of fantasy, dreaming, and superstitions I can now take a realistic look at myself, and as I discover myself there are allot of things about myself that I don’t like, but that’s ok because I have the freedom to work to change them for the better.

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Just To Have Someone To Talk With

Just to have someone to talk with. One of the first steps towards healing is the knowledge that you are not alone. I know that this sounds like a cliché, and it is, but in many cases, it works. Especially if you and whomsoever have the same empathy.

In my case, for example, I know that there are millions of people infected with the virus that I am infected with. Does this knowledge help me to sleep restfully? No, it does not. Does the awareness of millions of lives in turbulence cause me to feel better about my condition? No.

Being jostled on every side by the crush of the millions and at the same time feeling all alone is not a definition of completeness. Who will talk to me because I become even more depressed when I talk to myself. Do the annoying little flying bugs that land upon me and bite me understand anything at all about me? Can these bugs appreciate how much they torment me? Do they have empathy for the uncomfortable predicament that they place me in?

I joined a group of people, but I am not of this group of people because I do nothing within this group of people. My mind is with them, but my behavior is absent-minded. I signed up to be a member of this group of people and then promptly faded away into the murky recess of my self-assigned cubbyhole.

The silent cannot be heard, and the mute cannot be applauded. Participate, become interactive, throw your thoughts out to be considered. No one is asking you of anything except yourself. Your involvement is important. Your input may be the incentive that changes a person’s life.

She looked at me, and I looked back at her. Now what? Let no one be able to say that a Duck-billed platypus has outdone me. I will be an active participant in this group because I joined this group of people of my own volition.

Now, what group of people am I referring to? Those enchanting group of people of the Bestowing Life family ( and those adorable people that want to understand their night dreams by sharing them with one another at DreamWhack of course.

Just to have someone to talk with. The purpose of these websites is to allow people to bond and communicate. Use them and enjoy them.

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