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I saw the edge of the universe in my sleep.

I saw the edge of the universe in my sleep.

In my sleep I saw the glory of where I am destined to be.

I saw fountains of pure water to drink.

I saw foods that are nourishing to eat.

I saw an atmosphere that was pristine and unspoiled.

I saw the locks of her hair flowing down to her waist.

In my sleep I was a partaker of the primordial attribute of knowing her.

The ancients of now and never before cradled me in their warmth.

In my sleep I found the peace that had so long eluded me.

Awakened I was breath taken by the magnitude of what I had seen in my sleep.

Let me drift back into the residence of promise where there is a suitable dwelling place for me.

Let me close my eyes and return to the habitation of warmth and beauty.

There I will make love to her until she sings a song that all the heavens hear.

In my sleep I saw just enough to want much more.

The edge of the universe is endowed with her charm and wisdom.

The edge of the universe is saturated with her strength and vigor.

A vision of hope and beauty surrounds me when I am near her.

A seed is planted in the ground and a flower spring forth.

The top of the trees touches the morning sun.

The melodious sound of her voice waters the soil.

I am awake, and I am asleep.

She is far away, and she is near.

The old has been burnt to rubble and the new is shimmering from her thighs.

She and I are one with the edge of the universe and the edge of the universe has great joy.

I saw the edge of the universe in my sleep. Read More »

Is There Intelligent Life Out There?

Is There Intelligent Life Out There? A fascinating question that people have pondered since they begin watching the Stars has been, “Is there life out there?” In modern times this question has been changed to, “Is there intelligent life out there?”

Being that we exist and the vastness of the Universe, the odds are high that there are many other life forms out there. It is also likely that many of those life forms are undoubtedly what some people refer to as being intelligent life.

But what does the term “Intelligent Life” denote?

Is a species disposition and ability to hate, harm, despise, and relentlessly kill its members a hallmark of intelligent life?

Is a species ability for tool making and its awareness of its surroundings a trademark of intelligent life?

Is the continuing evolution of a species tool-making skills into what is referred to as technology a definition of intelligent life?

Is a species cognitive awareness a benchmark for intelligent life?

Is there intelligent life out there?

Is there intelligent life anywhere?

The measure of what constitutes intelligent life is a human-based concept having no other examples of it to evaluate the validity of this concept.

A group of so-called humans fancies themselves as being intelligent life. Yet they are on a relentless rampage to destroy the only environment that is best suited for them to live.

This group of so-called humans earnestly believe that they are the beginning and the end of all understandings and knowledge.

These want to be humans vigorously labor to recreate the world in their image and likeness, grouping everyone into isolated pockets of race, book knowledge, bank account, and belief system.

For these so-called humans, this is intelligent life because they have no other model to base darkness, life, light, and intelligence upon other than what they have contrived.

Now, let us briefly consider how “Sparkling Blackness” appraises the pronouncements of what these so-called humans measure as being intelligent life.

We will use the Neanderthals book of make-believe to do this.

“This know also, that in the last day’s perilous times shall come. For men(women) shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, without natural affections, truce-breakers, false accusers, incontinent (not having control over urination and defecation(?)), fierce, despisers of those that are good, traitors, heady, high-minded, lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God; Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.”

“For of this sort are they which creep into houses, and lead captive silly women laden with sin, led away with divers lusts(homosexuality), ever-learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.” (Second Timothy 3:1-7).

“But evil men(women) and seducer shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.” (Second Timothy 3:13) Note: Parenthesis in the above is added by me.

The above assessment is supposedly from a being looking at these so-called humans from a different dimensional viewpoint and have some reservations regarding their claim of being intelligent life.

If these want to be humans are indeed a form of intelligent life it is an intelligence that is severely self-serving and corrupt.

These so-called humans are like tiny babies who have learned how to stand and shake a rattle and think that they know everything because of this.

“Sparkling Blackness” laughs at them and will plunder them harshly when their moment comes.

Is there intelligent life out there?


What form of life is this intelligence?


Where does this intelligence exist?

Within the 10th to the power of 10 plus realities.

Can a real human being communicate with this intelligence?



By humility, seeking, and touching.

Is There Intelligent Life Out There? Read More »