The After Effect of Her Kiss

The after effect of her kiss appeared almost immediately. In my eyes the aftermath of her surprise kiss showed itself and has constantly affected my vision. Attempting to alleviate myself of her presence has been like trying to drench the portals of hell with my tears. I find no rest from a particular undefined she has given me. Caught off guard I did not expect the assault of her lips that had an un-measurable container of watery eyes in store for me.

In the elastic properties of measuring time, she placed a kiss on me that makes a mockery of the term short-term. A kiss that coats my eyes with a milky haze that constantly reminds me of how the quality of being able to grasp what is obscure is so important in maintaining a healthy life. Leave me alone, you kiss of whatever and give me a deserved rest from wiping my eyes. Let me spend just one minute of the day or of the night in visionary peace.

This is a true tale that demonstrates the absolute validity of the well-worn phrase forget-me-not. A surprise kiss that flies in the breadbasket of what is reasonably and logically expected from one who is promoting themselves as being the definition of affectionate. In the annals of the undesirable her unexpected kiss makes the top of the list by its unfortunate intrusion upon my face. A life changing kiss perpetrated from the wayward side of oral hygiene is what she gave me.

Almost immediately the harmful effect of a misplaced kiss started drooling from my eyes. A pillar of salt cannot evoke the anguish that I feel as I constantly wipe my eyes. Watery without any regard to the feeling of sorrow that teary eyes may indicate. A purulent drainage that becomes hard during the night that can be pulled away from the eyes like a long thread. Medical professionals speculate and guess about the cause that is producing the effect, which I can tell them is a kiss that produces a thick, milky fluid that unrelentingly oozes from my eyes.

What can I say except that one should always be on guard because injury and damage can come without warning and from anything. With an unexpected kiss she tattooed me with an unbroken stream of continuously flowing muck more fitting for the sewage than my eye lids. Saliva, heavily armored with torment was her weapon of choice that she inflicted on me without an avenue for relief. But I appeal not to charity for charity does not contain mercy and mercy does not operate in the venue of relief.

So, I suffer the ignominious side effect of a surprise kiss that fell upon me like a meteor from a far distant world of oral hygiene gone amok. Live with the consequences of her kiss I must because doctors and over-the-counter products have been of no avail. May her kiss be placed on no one else.

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