

Just Another Day in the Morgue

Self-imposed isolation may be the precise thing to do for some personality types. People who have a sincere desire to do and say the proper things but all of their efforts end up being a washout should avoid intimate interpersonal contact if at all possible. This is a sad state of being for a person to be living but it is profitable for others that may find themselves in the driving path of idiocies way.

Human beings are created and designed to be social creatures but some folks confuse and spoil everything that they come into contact with. By and large, this disturbance is unintentional.

Most people do not want to be a source of turmoil and chaos but some temperaments are just that because they are lacking in certain social skills or are in the bondage of personal hang-ups that always produce the exact opposite of their intents.

If a person dislikes themselves, it is a given that being uncomfortable around other people will be a byproduct of this self-loathing. They get a headache and become nervous when the prospect of being around other people is imminent. They hate feeling this way and make a personal resolution to adjust their way of thinking, all to no avail as soon as they step out of the door. So how does a person go about liking themselves?

One way that a person can begin to release themselves from the self-hatred mode is by killing themselves. The way that a person thinks of themselves must be horrifically slaughtered from their self-awareness. This thinking renovation may be hard to accomplish when one looks at oneself in the mirror because the reflection looking back at them is the same. Everyone talks about positive thinking but this approach only goes so far in thought invigorating.

Thoughts are electrical pulses that can be charged and discharged. Negative thoughts are the opposite charge of positive thoughts. Both negative and positive thoughts (electrical charges) perform a balancing act in the makeup of the total person.

When one murder oneself (killing a way of thinking about themselves that inhibits social interaction and mental stability), they have increased the electrical charge in their brain which opens blocked channels and cleanse the ones that are already in use.

Living in the servitude of self is comparable to living in a state of death. Everything is based on what the self-absorbed thinks and feels. They despise themselves so everything and everyone else is viewed and assessed from that foundation of self-scorn that they have wedged themselves into. For some people, the only way out of this predicament is by means of a brain transplant.

For others, the way out of this bondage of self is through self-acceptance and placing the concerns of others ahead of theirs. Of course, one must use creative discernment and common sense when dealing with other people to avoid falling into the trap of utter nonsense because there are risks that come with exposure to all things.

Self-imposed isolation may be appropriate when harm to others, by design or intentionally, is the status-quo that a person produce when they make contact with other people. It’s alright. Physical life lasts only a day and a night, then it’s over and done with. The old were young only a moment ago and the once healthy now have an overactive bladder and an enlarged prostate to contend with.

When one looks at oneself in the mirror they should promptly break it and call it a day because no amount of positive thinking will alter what is looking back at them. If you believe that you are unique in your terrors take a trip outside of yourself for a moment and looking at the world around you. When you do this you will have stark evidence which confirms that the world does not revolve around you and that compared to many others your grief is a joy ride.

The days are moving faster than the calendar can count and soon one will have nothing to look back on because they have lived their lives in a vacuum-packed seal. Some have done and have said things to others where the emptiness and the loneliness of quarantine is a fit punishment for them. They may look at the walls and feel sorrow for themselves, but justice is being served on them, so they should make up their minds to live in peace with seclusion.

And why waste your time talking to yourself? Do you really think that even you want to hear your weeping and moaning? And you certainly do not want to hear yourself belittling other people. You have already placed yourself in the pit of self-degradation, so why do you want to dig yourself deeper into it by mocking and criticizing others.

Welcome to the end of your world and rejoice in it for you have pulled the sheets over your head and called it quits. No one else has caused you to separate and make yourself inaccessibility. You have chosen this way of living on your own volition. Dance and sing within the corridors of your loneliness and don’t forget to sacrifice a burnt offering to the prince of living death that you worship by your mindset.

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Primitive Modern Woman/Man at A Glance

Why are there wars, hatred, violence, greed, racism, poverty, suffering, hunger, sexual perversion, sickness, aging, and death? These questions have been asked before the first languages were formed and the answer given to these questions are the same today as it were from the beginning. The mind of woman and man are embryonic by nature and left to its own devices it will always revert to its primitive instincts.

Modern neuroscientist such as Paul D. Maclean in the 1960s proposed that a segment of the human brain named the basal ganglia (R-complex or Reptilian Brain) is responsible for all of the above and more negative human behaviors which are instinctual in nature, such as dominance, territoriality, ritual displays, and aggression. This may or may not be the case as new technologies are employed to map the human brain and find out how its various components work in harmony to make a human, human.

It cannot be disputed that peoples and cultures that are more in harmony with nature are less likely to display the vast assortments of negative behaviors that are rampant in cultures that are self-centered and materialistic. So if this is the case, the Reptilian Brain cannot be the sole culprit for the human preoccupation with wars, hatred, violence, greed, racism, poverty, suffering, hunger, sexual perversion, sickness, aging, and death.

One preoccupation that evolutionist have had since Darwinism was turned into a religion was, and is, to find the missing link that makes modern humans, modern humans. Although many now propose that human evolution is a series of branches and not a straight shot as once postulated, that still does not answer the fundamental question of why so-called intelligent life is so flamboyantly savage in their thinking. Virtually all of the scientific and technological accomplishments over the previous two hundred years have been the results of a human desire to annihilate itself.

Even today there is an ongoing plan set in place to kill at least four-fifths of the human population of the planet so that a select few can rule and live abundantly. Historical records seem to indicate that human civilizations in the remote past of Earth history have ultimately destroyed themselves just as the people who control the modern age are energetically marching forward to do.

Modern humans want to combine themselves with animal DNA and create genetically engineered hybrids, just as the people in the remote past was successful in doing and made it so that every moment of their lives were filled with horror and terror of the creatures that they had created.

Just as the peoples of old, modern people are searching for a higher state of existence, and just like the peoples of old, modern people are searching for this higher state of being in the wrong places. Some modern humans want to channel themselves to regions unknown and communicate with dead bones. Some humans want to believe that mysterious interstellar beings have an ongoing agenda to uplift humanity while others place their hopes and faith in various forms of religion.

The bottom line is that human beings are born. They grow old and ugly. And then they die. Within this fleeting moment of time in the terrestrial, an individual has to move very swiftly if they are aspiring to elevate their minds to a higher state of being. The fact is that only one person in eight hundred and eighty-eight million people will ever get within a faint glimpse of achieving a cognitive and spiritual state of mind over matter.

So the age-old questions of why are there wars, hatred, violence, greed, racism, poverty, suffering, hunger, sexual perversion, sickness, aging, and death are flamboyantly mute given the reality of the terrestrial sphere of realities that mortals (humans) temporarily reside within.

This does not mean that a person should not strive to attain a grandiose mindset that is splendid in its harmony and respect for nature and other human beings, but do not be offended nor upset with yourself if you fall flat on the soft tissue of your gluteus maximus in your attempts to raise yourself to a higher level of human expressions.

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The Compassionate Mercy of Not Knowing the Exact Date, Moment, And Circumstance of Our Death

Imagine how human societies would be if everyone knew the exact date, moment, and circumstance of his or her death. It goes without saying that the world would be in a more chaotic state than it is now if everyone had this advance knowledge concerning themselves. Different personalities would handle the knowledge of the exact timeline and circumstance of their death in different ways. Some people will make peace with knowing that on this date, and at this moment, and in this way, they will be dead. Other people will lose their minds because of this advance knowledge, while others will go on a crime and murder spree as the sounding of their death bell approaches.

No one on earth would be safe if each person knew the precise moment and circumstance of her or his departure, and on the other hand, everyone on earth would be safe by knowing the exact time and circumstance of their death because they would know that they are safe to do whatever they please during the time that they have been allotted to abode topside without the fear of an untimely demise. As shown by human history, humans have never placed a great deal of value on human life so imagine how utterly valueless human life would be if each man and woman on earth knew the precise date, moment, and circumstance of their death?

Of course, there are many instances where a person has known, are do know, the exact date, moment, and circumstance of their death and they have dealt with and are dealing with this knowledge as their personality and temperament avails. A new dynamic is brought into people’s thinking and how they conduct themselves on a civil and social level if every man, woman, and child knew that today is their last day alive, or that tonight they are going to swing high or low sweet chariot as the seconds of being alive ticks away on them. Some people may even try to commit suicide when they know that they only have a month, or a week, or a day, or an hour left to live hoping to make a mockery of their time sheet.

Of course, no one will be able to pull off a successful suicide unless that is the circumstance in which they are to die, and those who are not appointed to check out by suicide will only be engaging in a useless effort because that is not the way that their death has been dictated to come about.

Hope and faith will not disappear under these conditions as people will hope that they are the select few that have accumulated a significant amount of brownie points with the angel of death, and even delude themselves with a faith and a belief that they are some type of chosen person who is set apart from the chopping block at a precise date, moment, and circumstance like everyone else.

Fortunately, mercy prevails in that the norm is that a person is spared the exact knowledge of the date, moment, and circumstance when the angel of death has been foreordained to pay them a surprise visit. Human beings are conceived in death and are allotted a puff of life before returning to their native state.

The joke of life is on the living, not for the dead because the dead are not conscious of anything, not even of the worms that are consuming them and turning what was something into everything that is nothing.

It is natural for a person to be afraid of death because the unknown is mysterious and frightening. Religions of all persuasions seek to appease the natural fear of death by promising people hope and faith in nothing whatsoever that will save them from the tentacles of permanent lights out on a specific date, at a fixed time, and under definite circumstances.

So how considerate it is that mortals are typically spared the knowledge that this will be the very last time that we ourselves will be combing or brushing our hair as we are looking in the mirror, and that within only minutes, our lifeless dead as a door nail body will be taken away for someone else to comb and brush our hair.

The birds are still chirping and the squirrels are still gathering nuts in May. The planet Earth is still revolving around the Sun and the Earth’s sister planet the Moon is still making its circuit around it. Everything is going quite well within the heavens and the cosmos is still full of lights. But your lights and my lights are out like a light never to flicker again because that is just the way of it.

Merciful it is that the exact date, moment, and circumstance of our decease and desist is universally kept hidden from us in these flickering moments between deaths, and no one rests in peace because a sense of peace is predicated on feelings, senses, and emotions which cannot be experienced if a person is as dead as a dumbbell.

The sound of ocean waves breaking along the shore is haunting and lonely at night and gives you a sense of how fleeting and fragile life is. Today and tonight are the end of the world for someone and tomorrow the ocean waves will still be breaking along the shore. The kindest thing given to all human beings is that an exact countdown of their future is not given to them because lawlessness would abide and creativity would be stifled.

So, what is the point of this article? The point of this article is that a small fish is swimming along and with a zap, a larger fish eats it. The point of this article is that a construction worker with twenty minutes to go on a Friday is contemplating how the weekend will be spent and is crushed by a cherry picker, which is what happened to me on a Friday, only I survived the crunch.

The point of this article is that a person goes to bed filled with worries concerning the next day and when morning comes that person is no longer among the living. The point of this article is that the very next second is a mystery and the second before is now history and between those two intervals is where life exists.

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Side Effects Anyone?

It is common knowledge that if a person is prescribed or purchase an over the counter medication to treat an illness that an average of nine more problematic health symptoms will result from taking that medication. These unwanted results of taking medications are quaintly called side effects. The term side effects sound very congenial and harmless as these two words roll blissfully from the tongue but the implications of those words may be psychologically and physiologically devastating and may even produce death on occasions for the user.

Modern medications are not designed to cure anything as they are developed to facilitate a steady flow of revenue for the manufacturers by causing people to become addicted to them. This is why so many medications have a vast assortment of side effects ingrained in them because the producers sidestep and back-pedal as much as legally possible in getting their medications on the market as soon as they can. Years of in-the-field case studies are skipped in preference to computer simulations to determine the effectiveness of a new medication.

People are often solicited to participate in studies so that medical professionals can determine the usefulness of various medical treatments and medications on selected population groups. Some of these research results are probably used to improve certain medical treatments and medications but I believe that the majority of that data is stored in different databases, especially those that seem to be a cure for an illness and not released for use as long as the current medical treatments and medications remain profitable.

Herbal (all natural) remedies are a popular alternative to conventional medications but from my personal experiences with herbal remedies I can only conclude that the majority, if not all of them that are currently on the market are simply place-a-boo, which is how I used to pronounce the word pla·ce·bo (placebo) until I learned the correct way to pronounce it. And many of these herbal remedies have their own share of side effects.

For example, I purchased an herbal remedy that was being promoted as a sure treatment for overactive bladder (OAB) and after two days of taking this treatment, I had developed an itching rash on both of my lower arms. I stopped taking this herbal remedy and after three days the itching rash was gone from my arms. This was an extreme reaction to this particular herbal remedy, but in other cases and using different brands for such concerns as increasing energy, I could not feel any difference in how I felt before taking the herbal remedy, in other words, the herbal remedies didn’t do a thing except cost me money.

I have also done some personal research on the effectiveness of current HIV and AIDS medications and have come to the conclusion that their usefulness in treating this illness is a very open question. Many people have told me that they physically feel exactly the same before they begin taking the treatment regimen as they do now while on it. Their doctors tell them that their CD4 count has been lowered by taking the prescribed medications and that their T-cells are looking better but as far as they can tell they do not feel any different.

Now I seriously advocate that an HIV and AIDS patient take their prescribed medications as directed. I know that these medications are costly and that they appear to be of no benefit, and certainly, they will not cure a person of HIV and AIDS because they are not designed to, but be on the safe side and take them anyway. There is a cure for HIV and AIDS but it has not been released yet because researchers are still conducting field tests to study the effects of the virus on different ethnic groups and genders outside of controlled clinical environments.

As I mentioned in another article concerning HIV and AIDS medications, HIV and AIDS is a designed bio-genetics weapon built in the United States to kill so-called black people, homosexuals, and drastically reduce the world’s human population. The virus inadvertently got out of a particular lab while it was still under testing and development and have affect people outside of the targeted groups. This is no big deal to the HIV and AIDS developers and researchers because just by accident they now have access to a much broader range of diversity in human genie pigs to tweak the effects of the weapon.

When people inform others that HIV and AIDS are a cocktail of many bio-genetics weapons that the United States of America are developing, and have been developing for decades to deploy against its own people, they do not want to believe that their government could be that sinister, but the evidence of this is well documented and Dr. Robert Gallo even admits that he created HIV and AIDS to depopulate the world. Read: This is The Man Who Created HIV & Aids Virus: Robert Gallo & ‘ADMITS HE CREATED AIDS TO DELIBERATELY DEPOPULATE HUMANITY’.

Whether this Robert Gallo is responsible for the development of HIV and AIDS is anyone’s guess. If he is not, to claim such a cowardly deed is so despicable as to be unworthy of further comments.

Having stated the above I must mention that the accepted belief of when, where, and how HIV originated is:

When: It is believed that SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus) that attacks the immune systems of monkeys and apes transitioned into HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) around 1920.

Where: Again around 1920 scientists believed that they traced the transmission of SIV to HIV in humans to Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Africa).

How: By the natives butchering and consuming SIV infected monkey meat.

HIV and AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) hit the U.S stage of awareness in the 1980s and was commonly referred to as GCS (gay compromise syndrome) because homosexual males transmitted the HIV and AIDS virus across the United States like a blast furnace. Even today homosexual males are the leading spreaders of HIV and AIDS worldwide.

Regardless of any of that, it is well known that the shadow government of the United States have a depot of bio-genetics and other types of weapons at the ready that will be used to exterminate black people and all other deemed undesirables when they feel that the moment is appropriate to launch them starting within the United States first and then annihilating globally.

OK, now that we have that settled, let’s move on.

All medications have a list of side effects that come with them, some are annoying while others are deadly and the secondary effect of a prescribed or over-the-counter drug differs with the individual. Some people build their entire lives around their medications regimen and other people feel that they have a notable status in the amount of medications that they take each day. A drug seller on the streets is arrested and sent to prison while doctors and pharmacist are encouraged by cash and influence to create a tidy reservoir of legal drug addicts.

Side effects anyone? Modern medications and medical techniques have raised the life expectancy of people but these advancements fall far short in assuring a healthy quality of life. People live longer but they are in worry and misery because they have lost a vital element in anyone’s life, their freedom, and independence. The key side effects of medications are seldom listed on the drug packages, which are becoming addicted to the drug and financial broke as a consequence of paying for the drug. But such is life. We are born. We grow old and ugly. Then we die. Side effects anyone?

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The Last Prophet! – Michel de Nostradamus?

The wine press is full of people claiming themselves to be prophets nowadays and they gender a large following of believers in their camps, however, the clear majority of these self-proclaimed prophets and futurists are frauds and fakes whose only purpose is to milk the gullible out of their money.

It is normal for a person to want to feel special, to have a sense that he or she is above the fold, to believe that they are in possession of exceptional knowledge and gifts that few other people are endowed with. So, along with greed, personal recognition and acclaim are the driving forces behind a person wanting to draw attention to themselves by proclaiming that they are a prophet.

One definition of a prophet is, “an authoritative person who divines the future.” (Microsoft Word Thesaurus). Another definition of prophet is, “one who prophesies, or foretells events; a predictor; a foreteller” or, “one inspired or instructed by God to speak in his name, or announce future events.” (Webster Dictionary).

None of the above definitions emphasizes that a prophet must be sincere, unambiguous, and reliable in their predictions, and none of these definitions of a prophet suggests that vagueness is the status-quo of prophetic utterances, which is the technique employed by all self-proclaimed prophets throughout history. What this means is that what a prophet is, is defined by the prophet him or herself and not by a set of standards that a certified seer must adhere to.

Many devotees hail Michel de Nostradamus as being a genuine prophet but reading his quatrains are unnerving, to say the least, as they simply do not make any sense and can be interpreted to mean anything. How people can relate any of his quatrains to any specific event in the past and the future is an amazing feat in mind reading of the dead on their part.

I understand why Michel de Nostradamus wrote as he did during the time that he lived because the Catholic Church was on a rampage at that time murdering and torturing in abandon, and he certainly did not want to be the next person burned at the stake by the church. Yet, it seems that if Michel de Nostradamus earnestly wanted to forewarn people about future events he would have also written a script of his quatrains in clear, readable language that was only to be published after his death and out of reach of the Catholic Church.

Some examples of the prophecies of Michel de Nostradamus are as such:

Century 3, Quatrain 35, reads:

“From the depths of the West of Europe

A young child will be born of poor people,

He who by his tongue will seduce a great troop;

His fame will increase towards the realm of the East.”

Now, what does this mean? Many devotees of Michel de Nostradamus say that this is a prophecy of the rise of Adolf Hitler. However, Michel de Nostradamus could have been talking about anyone because during his time there were many warlords throughout Europe vying for wealth and power.

Century 6, Quatrain 97, reads:

“Two steel birds will fall from the sky on the Metropolis,

The sky will burn at forty-five degrees’ latitude,

Fire approaches the great new city,

Immediately a huge, scattered flame leaps up,

Within months, rivers will flow with blood,

The undead will roam the earth for little time.”

The above quatrain is ascribed as being a prediction of 911 by Michel de Nostradamus. But is it really? A person who is bestowed with the ability to see into the future should have far more details about people and places than obscure references that can be interpreted and misinterpreted as the reader sees fit.

No one who had been reading the writings of Michel de Nostradamus interpreted century 6, quatrain 97 as pointing to New York, New York, United States of America, and the Twin Towers until after that disaster happened, which should show that no one knows how to properly interpret the prophecies of Michel de Nostradamus, or that his prophecies cannot be correctly interpreted because they are so open-ended and ambiguous.

There were large towers in Michel de Nostradamus’s day so he could have said steel birds flew into towers, but he said that steel birds fell on a metropolis. And what does he mean by the undead roaming the earth and “little time” for what? Also, when, and where did rivers flow with blood within months after 911?

I am now proclaiming myself to be a prophet and I predict that someday I will die. I have just foretold the future and no one can deny that someday my prophecy will come true, but that prophecy is vague and it is something that even a child knows. Now if I were to have a divination that on this precise day, and at this specific time, and in this exact way I will die, and this prediction comes true then it could be said that I was a genuine prophet, at least in that prediction.

Century 10, Quatrain 75, reads:

“Long awaited, he will not take birth in Europe,

India will produce the immortal ruler,

Seeing wisdom and power of unlimited scope,

Asia will bow before this conquering scholar.”

This is a prophecy by Michel de Nostradamus that is ascribed as meaning that the Anti-Christ, or an Anti-Christ, will come from India. “Long awaited”, “immortal ruler”, “conquering scholar”. What are these phrases telling us, and what will this ruler rule? Anything can be made of this prophecy from history and it does not give any enlightenment about anything.

Century 3, Quatrain 1, reads:

“After combat and naval battle,

The great Neptune in his highest belfry:

Red adversary will become pale with fear,

Putting the great Ocean in dread.”

Now, what in the world is he trying to convey? The people who lived in his day and in his region, may have known, or had an idea of what he was talking about but to people outside of his region and to future generations these lines mean absolutely nothing. “great Neptune”, “Red adversary”, “Ocean in dread.” What is Michel de Nostradamus seeing that caused him to use these terms? Only he knows?

If someone is telling your fortune in such a blurred formless manner so that you can interpret what they are telling you in different ways they are just wasting your time because they are not giving you anything that you cannot give yourself.

A true prophet wants to inform and enlighten, not puzzle and confuse. A true prophet is clear and specific in details because she or he wants what they are prophesying to be understood. A person who can see into the future understand that they can change the course of human history and will be as direct and as precise as possible when conveying this information to the public.

A true prophet does not look for fame and fortune but has a deep sense of loving and caring for people. A true prophet really sees into the future and no one can be judged as being a true prophet when all their revelations are seen after the fact.

A true prophet understands that human actions are not written in stone and that many misfortunes and bad decisions can be avoided with the advance knowledge of the benefits and consequences that certain actions and decisions will produce. Knowing this, a true prophet does not ramble or speak in circles, but come to the point and let people know what is going on.

I have nothing against Michel de Nostradamus, and from reading many of his quatrains, I have nothing for him either as being a person endowed with supernatural mystic talents. I believe that Michel de Nostradamus tinkered with his herbal concoctions too much late at night in his attic and really did have visions, but seeing things in an abnormal state of mind does not qualify a person as being a prophet.

People just love doomsday. If there is a conversation about heaven and hell, the conversation about hell will always attract the most interest because talking about kissing, and loving, and hugging one another all day gets very boring after a few moments, but talking about obliteration, annihilation, and devastation can be entertaining for several hours.

The Last Prophet! – Michel de Nostradamus? Read More »

What Our Dreams Are Made Of

Researchers have probes and sensors attached to your head and other parts of your body. They say that they are investigating the phenomena of why human beings dream. But are they mechanically creating dreams for you and clandestinely altering your thinking and surreptitiously changing your behavioral patterns?

What our dreams are made of is an age-old question that has produced many thesis and hypothesis to explain this peculiarity. Dream interpreters that ask for money are usually con artist that only have their vested interest at heart, and trying to correctly interpret your dreams yourself have the fatal flaw of your disposition and mindset to contend with.

Dreams are an outer body experience into different dimensions of time and space. Dreams are a conglomeration of life experiences, external inputs, fears, hopes and desires, and the electrical cadence and rhythm of our body frequencies. Like an engine that’s left idling, dreams are a way of keeping the brain active during sleep so that we do not have to switch on the machinery from a cold start every time we wake up.

Dreams are also internal and external messengers that are trying to tell us something about ourselves. Some dreams may be trying to let us know that there is a malfunction some place in our body that we need to attend to. Other dreams may be telling us that we need to take a comprehensive look at our outlook on life. These types of dreams fall into the category of being internal messengers because they are the products of ourselves.

Dreams that have an external origin are dreams that are produced by the vibrations of the planet Earth and its sister planet the Moon. The cosmos and other spheres of realities also inject electrical frequencies into our mind and body that produce dreams. Likewise, the other life forms that inhabit the planet Earth have their own frequencies that intermingle with human frequencies and produces various aspects of our dreams.

There is also the question of what is a dream? It could be that what we call conscious life is merely a dream and when we sleep we get a momentary glimpse of reality. If this is the case, then humans are merely a strange illusion and that which we think exists really does not.

We know that we and everything about us are only atoms clumped together to form an object and that much of that object is empty space holding our atoms together by an electromagnetic attraction. But what has this to do with understanding the meaning of our dreams? To begin the processes of interpreting our dreams we must accept the fact that we are in the majority empty space that is highly influenced by electromagnetic and electrochemical reactions and interactions.

Our dreams jump all over the place because we subconsciously want to control and direct their flow by switching off segments of a dream that we do not like. Our dreams also jump around because our brain is performing many simultaneous functions to keep us alive, and for some of these functions our dream need to be placed in a queue while that function is being performed. When the dream is reactivated it seldom starts where it left off, and may even be replaced by another dream set.

Sharing our dreams with people who do not have a vested interest in trying to translate our dreams, such as getting our money, or an agenda to confuse and control us is a workable approach to not only understanding what our dreams are trying to tell us but also gain insights into ourselves and other people. We expand our knowledge by opening the other realities of existence and making them part of our life experiences by understanding the messages of our dreams.

We dream because if our minds are not always active then we are clinically Brain dead. Our dreams outlive our physical body because our dreams are energies that are absorbed by the cosmos and transmitted throughout the realities. Since we are disjointed particles held together by magnetism and energized by electricity we are no more than a physical manifestation of our dreams which makes our dreams more factual than we are, which is why we need to try to understand them.

Once we have an insight into our dreams we can then control what we dream about. Moving from a haphazard array of images we can guide our dream realities and transform many of them into physical actualities.

Many people practice dream control without realizing it when they have a deep thought about something and then dream of it when they go to sleep. However, in many cases, the person will allow the dream to run its own course during the session instead of moving it in the direction and towards the outcome that they want.

Taking control of our dream session is normally a subconscious process, so we must train ourselves into having the ability to take conscious control of our dreams as we sleep. This is how we can help one another by discussing and sharing our dreams which are gateways into various realities that we can prepare ourselves to enter when this terrestrial illusion has run its course.

Speaking for myself, none of my dreams reflect me as I am. In my dreams, I am young, strong, vibrant, and healthy. I dream a lot about women, and in most cases, it is a woman with whom I had a relationship with some years before. I made a mockery of that relationship because I was immature and felt sexually inadequate. Eventually she came to her senses and hash-browned me.

My dreams of this woman come in two forms. One I am pursuing her trying to win her back, and the other, she and I are happy-go-lucky in a solid bond. What my dreams of her is telling me is that I cared a great deal for her and that no matter how much I would like to I cannot undo my past mistakes.

This supports the assumption that most of our dreams are internal and rooted in past experiences. On the other hand, I will suggest that when I dream of me and this woman being in a strong, loving, mature relationship that I have briefly stepped into another reality where this is the case. I believe this is so because the dream is too ordered and structured and the sensations and emotions are too clear and vivid for this to merely be an illusion.

What I am saying is that we exist in many spheres of consciousness and each one is just as tangible as the other. To me this terrestrial sphere of consciousness is my predominant, or I should say my only concrete reality, and likewise, when I am in that other orbit with her that conscious level is my predominant and real reality.

In both realms, I feel and believe that I am dreaming but what I am actually doing is stepping between authentic and genuine and genuine and authentic because all the realities of existence are definite and concrete. Therefore, I am trying to train my mind so that I can control what I dream and the course that my dreams follows.

This may sound like someone who is knocking on the doors of insanity but those heavily funded researchers with their high-tech tools and mind control drugs are experimenting with dream manufacturing and mind control for purposes that may not be in the best interest of men and women, while I only want to elevate myself to a higher range of awareness and existence.

Some dreams do come true and together we can explore the possibilities of our dreams hidden messages and enjoy the many realities that we personally coexist within all the realms of conscious existence.

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Homosexuality and the New World Order Agenda

There is no debating that a major outline of the New World Order plan for world dominance is a drastic reduction of the Earth’s human population. A handful of their plans for world dominance that were either deliberately instigated by them or happened by coincidence are:

  • The final solution for Germany’s social and ethic problems during World War Two.
  • The communist purges in Russia conducted by Lenin and Stalin before, during and after World Wars One and Two.
  • The purges in China conducted by Mao Zedong.
  • The slaughters of Pol Pot in Cambodia.
  • The ethnic cleansing of the Yugoslav and Bosnian wars.
  • The current purging of Christians in Egypt and other parts of the Middle-east.
  • The continuous slaughter of millions in the rest of Africa beyond Egypt.
  • The use of gay (homosexual males) to spread HIV and AIDS, among other diseases, worldwide.
  • The slaughter of well over a million people in Iraq by the United States to takeover that nation’s oil wells.

Are but faint and crude glimpses of what the New World Order has in store for humanity.

Homosexuality and gay marriages are being promoted as a human right. And true, it is a person’s innate right to be whatever she or he pleases if he or she does not infringe upon another person’s innate right to be in harmony with the natural order of the cosmos.

So-called black males have always had an identity crisis in the United States of America as to whether they were men or boys, and so, a disgraceful number of them have opted to be counterfeit girls instead.

This decision of so-called African-American males to be a female forgery fits the New World Order’s designs for the extermination of what it considers to be inferior human species quite well with very little effort on their part to reduce the population of so-called black people worldwide.

Homosexuality is now heavily promoted by the media and entertainment industries that are control behind the scenes by New World Order folks and by people who simply hate other people as a less expensive means to reduce the human population.

Nuclear and Bio-genetic weapons are being stocked piled as a last resort to drastically reduce the Earth’s human population by the one world visionaries for fear of the collateral damage that the deployment of these weapons will inflict upon them even hidden away in their shelters and bunkers.

The data that has been gathered by the launching of gay (homosexual males) infected with the HIV and AIDS virus onto the public have enabled researchers to refine that virus so that it can now be specifically targeted to certain groups of people according to their age, race, physical and mental health, and gender. Fund by avid supports of the New World Order, gay rights advocates are now exceedingly loud and obnoxious and pinned up like billboards on every form of communication and information media.

The target of these homosexual propaganda broadcasts is not teenagers or adults but the small children whose minds are still very receptive to external inputs and suggestions. You must remember that the New World Order concept and its growing and developing agendas are more than two hundred years old, so these people are focused and directed about what they want to carry out and pass it down from generation to generation.

Not saying that it is the best solution, but Adolf Hitler may have had the right solution concerning the homosexual problem in his country by exterminating the males and re-educating the young feminine looking females. Gay (homosexual males) are high volume carriers of diseases and plagues which are the reason why the so-called African-American community is so racked with the HIV and AIDS virus.

The quest for global dominance is as old as one person dominating another person, and then one house dominating another house, and then one village dominating another village, and so it goes embracing larger and larger spheres.

The One World Order visionaries will not achieve their ultimate goals of world domination and will go up in flames like all the other would-be one world rulers throughout human history have gone before them, but the human, animal, and natural desolation that they will unleash and leave in their attempts to rule the world will be mind-boggling.

Some people think that homosexuality is cute and many comedians base many of their jokes on this distortion of nature, but a person who is dying of AIDS and a person whose life has been turned inside out by HIV cannot see anything funny about a gay male. Like maggots that have eaten away a corpse, homosexuals will be tossed into the flames by the world rulers when they have no more use for them.

Now the contents of this article may give one the impression that I am a homophobe, and I can assure you that I am. When I was eleven years old a gay male confronted me when I was alone beside a river. He promised that he will throw me into the river and drown me if I did not do as he said. I will not go into any more of the disgusting details except to say that my self-esteem and my sense of person was thrown into that murky river and drowned that day.

The One World Order gang will use, distort, and twist whatever they need to in order to bring their dream of the decapitation of the human spirit to fruition. They want to eliminate at least ninety percent of the worlds human population and make slaves of the rest. This gang of losers want to be worshiped as gods having the power of life and death over their infidels and they are now using the repugnant squalid of homosexuality as a tool to confuse and disorient people.

You seldom hear of HIV and AIDS anymore on the mainstream media because the would-be world rulers have ordered them to downplay it because it is a direct assault against homosexuality which they want to promote as being a legitimate lifestyle. But the hospital beds and the grave stones are a dreadful witness to the consequences of homosexuality and they speak in volume of how base this practice is.

Some people do not believe that there is a group of people who are scheming for world dominance. A certain so-called black man did not believe that his white master would hang and then burn him until he was being dragged to a tree to be lynched. Homosexuals are extremely loud, visual, and noisy, giving the ignorant the impression that this sordid behavior is the norm. Well, it isn’t.

Homosexuality and the New World Order Agenda Read More »

HIV Fundraiser Campaign

Why does and need your help with this very important fundraiser campaign? Because HIV and AIDS is a silent killer, but more than that it robs an infected person of having peace of mind, quality of life, and hope for the future.

No one should tell you how expensive medications are, or that many people find it very difficult getting to and from their doctor’s appointments because of the lack of reliable transportation. We understand that everyone has problems and that people are tired of being asked to give of their hard-earned money.

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What Does It Take To Stir You Into ACTION?

Can you trust Yes. is a secure communications channel for HIV and AIDS positive people to express themselves and encourage one another, as such, hiveaids wants your membership and your encouraging voice far more than your money. is created by an HIV positive person who is living the life that this virus brings. I personally know what it is to feel like a walking plague and to be fearful of being in intimate contact with people, even loved ones. I know what it is to be on the low-income scale and must pay co-payments for HIV medications.

I live every day with the dense dark shadow of HIV hovering over my head and know how it diminishes the quality of life, tarnishes dreams, and turns every small glimmer of happiness into sadness. is not a scam because being infected with HIV and AIDS is not a scam.

You don’t hear very much of HIV and AIDS today in the mainstream media but sickbeds are still being filled, early graves are still being dug, and lives are still being shattered by the HIV and AIDS virus. No one is begging you for anything.

We who are HIV and AIDS positive will live and die with or without your financial aid, however, your support would make many lives less stressful in the areas of medications, food, shelter, clothing, and transportation. Become a member of, and if you have a mind too, give and donate. So, what does it take to stir you into action? God forbid, not by living the life that I live as an HIV positive person.

What Does It Take To Stir You Into ACTION? Read More »