In My Exalted Opinion

In my exalted opinion she is beside herself when it comes to the topic of love and romance. In my understanding she believes that love and romance are unequivocally linked to warmth and affection. I can appreciate her approach in this matter, but it seems to me that fondness and regard are the byproducts of friendship and familiarity.
I have known her for the expanded length of one and a half hours and to me that is more than enough time for she and I to go to the next level of togetherness. Anything thing that we need to know about one another can come later but for now the kitchen sink is free of dishes and the front door locked with a do not disturb sign in place.
Learn a lesson from the duck billed platypus, when it’s time to go, it is time to go. Do not complicate things but leave them as simple as possible. In my lauded opinion she has a propensity to elevate sentimentalism into a state of glorification that goes beyond needed and necessary.
In my humble abode there is clarity, order, and placing everything in its proper place. And her proper place for me is there, if there exists such a place as there, is on the bed with me.
I hear what she is saying, I am listening, but I am not in the mood to debate social norms with her. Currently my present sphere of thoughts is that of an uncivilized barbaric. In the after hours to come I will patiently discuss all the topics important to her. I am not selfish nor arrogant but focused on a single objective.
Sitting in the shade of a baobab tree a man contemplates the nature of life. He does not place much value on yesterday or tomorrow but on what he sees before him and to what degree he can manipulate it.
In his exalted opinion the woman walking with a basket of cocoa nuts on her head 3.048 meters away from him is about the prettiest woman he had ever seen. Contemplating the nature of life becomes a blur in his thinking as he relishes the exquisite sight passing before him.
The interaction between sunlight and shadow causes her legs to appear to shimmer as she walks. The sound of her voice as she sings a traditional song while she is gracefully placing one step before the next fills him with strength and vigor.
Could this be the answer to the nature of life that he is seeking? Is the sound of her voice the mystery of everything suddenly revealed to him? And what is her opinion regarding love and romance and does her opinion align with his?
I listen to her intently to understand what she is saying. I let her speak without interruption. I agree with her wholeheartedly to place her into a relaxed and compliant temperament. I do all this because I am focused on a single objective and that objective has little to do with love and romance.

The one who walks so elegantly will assuredly be joined by other women on their way to the marketplace as well. He has but a short window of time to decide regarding his approach to her. In my estimate she is neither thinking about love nor romance now because the traditional song that she sings is of a time long ago when her people ruled the world.
In my exalted opinion she is making too much of a kiss and a hug. She wants to attach sentimental attributes to the call of the wild. He understands that he cannot convince her but that she must convince herself of his proposition.
He is patient but his patience is not everlasting. She must put aside whatever conventions she holds and place her hips at his grasp and command this is the best way to approach this slight divergence of opinion between him and her.
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