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Nine and a Half Years of Fleeting Life Wasted Because Of Lack of Knowledge

Nine and a Half Years of Fleeting Life Wasted Because Of Lack of Knowledge became hooked on crack cocaine at the beginning of 1987. From the start of my addiction, I knew that the consequences of my habit would be the total subjugation of my life to it, the wreckage of all my hopes and dreams, the demolition of my computer hardware career, and everything else conducive to a wholesome and fruitful life.

I allowed the weakness of my mind to transform me into a slave in bondage to my own desires. I knew that if there was any hope of me getting my act back together that it must start with the complete abstinence from my drug of choice.

Now, I felt that I was looking at myself from a remote place that I once inhabited. Everything was surreal and lacking any sense of genuineness as I muddled along in the grip of my drug craving. I cried and I prayed for the strength to get out of the ghastly predicament that I had foolishly placed myself within. I was ashamed of myself and kept as far away from my family as possible because I did not want them to see what I had done to myself.

At this early stage in my addiction, there was a faint ray of hope that I would be able to strap my groans and get it back together because I had the desire to do so. During the following year of 1987, this tiny ray of hope was given a death blow when I was told that I was HIV positive. I was informed of this diagnosis at a blood bank that I frequented to get funds to support my habit when I was unable to find work on that day.

Needless to say, this news was like being shot in the head with a cannon. At this time, in the middle eighties, the common consensus was that a person who had HIV had from six months to a year at most to live. I believed what I was hearing about my illness and based on that information I utterly gave up on life.

What was the point in being drug-free when I only had six months to a year at most to live? I isolated myself even when people were all around me. The only thing that I had to look forward to being was becoming very sick and dying miserably.

For nine and a half years I waited for the moment of my demise while living in the wasteland of a drug-controlled life. With every cold, I prepared myself for the coffin as this was the knowledge of the consequence of my scourge that I had. I placed my confidence in the wisdom of mortals and wallowed in my death garment as I went about making money to support my drug habit.

Now my cries and my prayers were two-fold, that I gain my freedom from drug addiction and that this wicked plague is taken away from me. Nine and a half years of an already brief moment to experience physical life was shattered by the use of drugs because I placed my confidence upon the carbon-based and did not cement my cries and prayers with celestial faith.

For nine and a half years I lived as a vagabond, as a vagrant in my disease infected body, as a drifter in my loathsome mind, and as a wandering lifeless spirit because of my lack of knowledge.

This is not an epitaphic discourse concerning physical existence in spiritual death, because it is most laughable as a fool and his or her aspirations are quickly disjointed when they place all their assurances on maggot food such as they are, and not look towards the true knowledge base that surpasses the breath and make void the shovel.

For nine and a half years, the count is finished, and the hours are a complete waste because a little knowledge is a grand destroyer, and if the knowledge that one does have is not seasoned with wisdom, time becomes a looter, but only if one surrenders and does not stand up and fight against the odds and the general consensus.

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Using Your Thinking as Part of Your Anti-Aging Regimen

Using Your Thinking. I am not a Bible thumper, however, there is a certain verse in the Bible that I have been considering lately; and it reads, “Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s” (Psalms:102:5). What is this verse saying that I should take to heart?

The “Who” in this verse, is, of course, God. The word “mouth” in this verse can be inferred as being a reference to the mind, the way that we rationalize and reason, and our thoughts. “good things,” “youth,” and, “renewed,” should be self-explanatory. The word “eagle’s,” in this verse can probably be inferred as being a reference to flight (a free spirit, soaring, unencumbered).

Now that I have a few basic definitions of certain words in this verse to work with, what can I deduce from this Bible verse that I can put to best practices? My thinking influences my temperament and disposition at any given moment. What comes out of my mouth is a product of my thinking. My thinking also has an influence on the way that I physically feel (my health).

So, what does all this mean and how can I use this to combat the appearance of aging that so disquiets me when I see my reflection looking old and ugly back at me in the mirror? Mirror, mirror on the wall, gosh darn it.

This could mean that I have the cognitive ability to manage my aging processes. Not that I can think myself back to youth or stall the aging processes. There comes a point in everyone’s life, if they live long enough, that becoming old and ugly is a given, there is nothing that can be done about this except somehow learning to comfortably live with it. Many factors interact with each other to produce physical aging.

Many of these factors are beyond our ability to control, such as the radiation of the Sun (even when we attempt to hide ourselves behind sealed shelters), micro-organisms that live and breed on and within our dirt bodies, our Solar System and our Galaxy moving into different regions of the Universe, to name a few.

However, if the way that I think of myself when I look in the mirror, how I think of other people, and of my world is unadulterated and wholesome it will produce words of refreshment and renewal from my mouth. Many wrinkles, blotches, dark spots, and sagging skin come from stress and worry. The quantity of stress and worry that is resident within me has a direct bearing on my health as well as on my physical appearance. There are some factors contributing to the processes of my aging that I cannot control, but my thinking is not one of them.

Unconstructive thought habits drain the electrical charges that sustain every cell in my body. As the energies of these cells are reduced deformations began to appear in my physical appearance and the way that I feel. The consequences of this damaging thought habit are many, one being wrinkles appearing before their time that is exaggerated beyond what they would have been under natural aging conditions.

Some people who claim themselves to be in the know attribute sagging skin to gravity. Gravity may be a cause of sagging skin, except for one thing, gravity is just a theory and does not really exist. The loss of collegian and elastin in the skin as we age are two of many factors that result in sagging skin. How positive thinking can combat sagging skin is an experiment in progress. I will give you an update on the progress of this experiment in roughly one hundred and ten years, stay tuned.

“Who satisfieth thy mouth with good things; so that thy youth is renewed like the eagle’s” (Psalms: 102:5). “Mouth”, a tool used for broadcasting my thoughts among other things. “Good things”, wholesome and uplifting things and personality traits given and received. “Youth is renewed”, reducing wrinkles, blotches, dark spots, and sagging skin and invigorating my mind by thinking positively. “like the eagle’s”, becoming unencumbered by stress and worry as much as possible, taking a lighthearted view of myself, thinking graciously and kindly of others, accepting the inevitable whether I like it or not, soaring in free flight even in the face of metamorphosing into a walking fossil.

Practicing this Bible verse as a daily way of living my life may have the benefit of being an inexpensive supplement to any anti-aging regimen that I may undertake. My thinking both uplifts and deflates me and can turn one day into a number of months of physical aging if the structure of my thoughts is negative, or I am constantly in the company of negative acting and thinking people. Using this Bible verse to hide and improve the effects of aging may or may not work for me, but when I look at myself in the mirror, what the hell, why not give it a go.

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The Prophecy of Nations That is Soon to Come Upon the World

The Prophecy of Nations. The end of the world is a cyclical process that comes at a definite period, as mortals measure this humanly contrived concept.

In the immense, there is no such property as time because the immense is eternal and have no limitations nor restrictions that confine it.

The great has fallen upon the needy and they both have fallen into extreme hardships. One day is as another filled with enmity and malice one person for the other.

During the night things that creep and slither target both the guarded and the unguarded and relentlessly bites them.

Those who presume themselves to have vision come up with exact dates as to when calamity will befall the nations, but exacting timing is ripe for the plucking as no one knows when they will be blotted out of existence.

The cyclical process of global cleansing is as sure as the shining Sun, the Moon in its orbit, and our galaxies place within this Universe.

Count your fingers and wiggle your toes you who claim to be in the know, as your prophecies are dead as soon as you utter them.

The appointed time of global sanitization is in the NOW and the NOW, is right NOW! Let us peel our depraved heads against a stone wall and hide within caves and holes.

All our places of presumed safety will roll back and expose us to the whims of confusion and terror, the delights of which will delight in shedding us into bits.

And if two men are left alive, one will kill the other, gorge his flesh and use his skin for his attire.

And if two women are left alive, one will execute the other, munch away at her flesh and use her skin for her apparel.

The girl child weeps to her mother who has bestowed herself to demons and strange spirits offering her child as a sacrifice to that which she cannot fully understand.

The boy child pleads to his father who has fooled himself into believing that he is the fullness of all that is as he offers his child to emptiness and ignorance.

Do not let our courage fail us when the end is drop-kicking us in the manner that we have allowed our conceited minds to make a cosmic laughingstock of us.

We have exaggerated our self-importance and hoodwinked ourselves into believing the unbelievable, that we individually or collectively are the prime root of the Stars.

And if two women see a piece of cloth for wrapping themselves with, one will be murdered, and the moths will eat the cloth away from the other.

And if two men find a crumb of bread, one will not eat, and two will die of starvation.

The end will not come suddenly, as by surprise, but will loom with much trepidation in every mind. Feet will want to run but the earth will not let them move.

Those who profess that they do not believe in anything will fall to their knees and fracture them.

The cries of the anguished will become so loud that every sound will become muted by its volume.

And if two women are left alive, they will both drop dead in no uncertain length of time.

And if two men are left alive the worms will feast upon them at the same time.

This prophecy is certain, and it is complete. The moment of its coming is right NOW, but not as mortals reckon time, but the interval of NOW that the cosmos has given it.

Strap up your boots and toss them away for there is no escape for any of us that dwell within the Heavens and the Earth as our appointed time to vanish from the cosmic records is NOW!

This precise and correct divination may seem gloomy and foreboding, but it is not because there may be a particle beam of good news embedded within it, and the good news is, the cosmos will be a purer place to inhabit with the absence of mortals that now defile the planet Earth.

Let the NOW come right NOW as is its expectation.

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Developed in a Lab. Silent and Hideous in its Relentless Assaults. (AKA -HIV and AIDS)

Developed in a lab. Let loose on the general public by blunder during its research and development processes. Silent and hideous in its relentless assaults. Its cure being one of its main requirements during research and development.

The cure not being released because it now makes billions of dollars a year for certain interest groups. HIV and AIDS is a genetics weapon devised and developed in the United States of America that escaped from the lab before it was officially cleared for deployment.

HIV and AIDS were designed for deployment against specific groups of people as part of a global plan to reduce the world’s human population by killing off those human elements that have been deemed undesirable by the ruling class.

HIV and AIDS do not get in the news as it used to because it has now been classified as being only one of the many human diseases that has been brought under control by medication.

Laboratories in all of the Western nations, especially in the United States of America, are hard at work contriving and then placing into research and development the next generations of genetics weaponry to be deployed upon the public.

As with HIV and AIDS, some of these genetic weapons will inadvertently escape from the labs before they are officially released for distribution upon the designated groups of people that have been appointed for devastation and annihilation.

Also, as with many research and development projects, during calculated points throughout the project’s development, the latest stage, or version, of the genetic weapon will intentionally be released into the targeted populous in order to gauge its kill power and its sickness and infection properties as a means to improve its effectiveness before its final release as an agent of mass human destruction on those specifically targeted groups of people with acceptable occurrences of collateral damage to non-targeted groups.

The research and development teams of these genetics weapons fully realized that when they released certain strains of their experimental weapons upon the public, regardless of how targeted that public is, there will be a certain amount of collateral damage inflicted upon non-targeted groups of people.

This fallout can be tolerated as long as it can be kept at the lower social and economic levels of the non-targeted populous.

What these developers are doing is not some type of grand conspiracy orchestrated by some vague group of people reclining on velvet seat cushions. This assault on humans is orchestrated by the planet Earth itself as a module of its cyclic mass extinction events.

Some elements of humans have misinterpreted the house cleaning messages of the Earth and have even distorted these messages into being an all-exclusive event targeting only certain groups and types of people on the planet for complete eradication from the human species.

People are dying and suffering because some lab in the United States of America became lax in its safeguards and allowed certain strains of the HIV and AIDS virus to escape into the general public. Once these HIV and AIDS strains were no longer under controlled conditions they began to mutate when they came into contact with many different body types and human habits and temperaments.

The cure, or counter agent, that was developed in the lab as a requirement of this genetics weapon research and development processes was quickly tweaked by the teams that developed it within months after new data began pouring in from different healthcare organizations and services. The consensus by these research teams was to see how far the HIV and AIDS virus will go at this stage of its development and not release the counter agent.

When bundles of money began pouring in to find a cure for HIV and AIDS, and for its medications and treatments, the counter agent for the HIV and AIDS virus that had been developed in the labs were swiftly placed on a shelf because temporal wealth has a much higher value attached to it than mere human life and suffering.

Developed in a lab. Let loose on the general public by blunder during its research and development processes. Silent and hideous in its relentless assaults. HIV and AIDS are now classified as a disease to hide its real purpose as being one of many biological weapons that are being produced by the Western nations to drastically reduce the human population of the planet Earth.

The master race has an agenda that is diligently being carried out by a spirit of pride, fear, and one that hates. The upper crust of Western society believe that they are being guided by the spirit of the Earth that moans for relief from the relentless screeches of a humongous number of humans trampling its soils, sky, and waters, being so full of it as to honestly believe that the planet Earth is a respecter of person and really consider one fleabag as being better than another.

There was, and is, a cure for HIV and AIDS when it was first developed in a lab in the United States of America. The United States of America could have easily blockaded Japan into surrender during World War II, but instead the United States of America preferred to test the effects of its newly developed weapon upon the general Japanese public to gauge its human kill power and its eco-system and biological side-effects.

The planet Earth will turn the so-called intelligence of current humans against them so that it may be free of this variety of humanoid leeches for all time. The planet Earth has performed this head chopping procedure on disagreeable humanoids many times before throughout its long history, and will by no means spare this current species of repugnant humanoids from extinction.

The planet Earth is swept clean of its most recent humanoid birth. The Earth’s eco-system is rejuvenated of the contaminations inflicted upon it by selfish and senseless creatures. All of the other living creatures of the planet Earth now have elbow room to increase and enjoy their lives with the adulterated infestation of humanoids gone.

HIV and AIDS victims had long before taken a back seat, when current humanoid types were still around, to new strains of genetic weapons that were released to test their effectiveness on the amount of governmental turmoil and human misery that they could cause and revenue that they could produce.

The day and the moment of the open mouth are closed. So-called intelligent life on planet Earth has intellectualized itself into oblivion and is completely forgotten as ever being in existence. In a moment the planet Earth will give birth to another humanoid species only to be wiped out as all before it has.

This is not a reflection on the Earth so don’t even attempt to bad mouth this magnificent celestial beauty because all of its humanoid species are born with free will and will do as they will do regardless of where the spirit of the Earth wants to move them.

The developers of HIV and AIDS chimpanzee and laughingstock themselves into believing that they are doing Western society a vital service by killing off the undesirable human elements. They give themselves Nobel prizes in physics, biology, and genetics and hefty pats on the backs for their comedic achievements in understanding the cosmic cryptic. It is all said and it is all done.

HIV and AIDS victims of this focused and deliberate biological terrorism stratagem perpetrated by the would-be guardians of Western values and White womanhood will not have the last laugh, but the planet Earth and all of its many other life forms will have an ecstatic and euphoric time of it when this current species of humanoids get their comeuppance.

Hah, Hah, Hah, a laugh a second as the planet Earth and all of its many other life forms celebrate death, renewal, and new birth when its sends this present age of humanoids to their demise.

Developed in a Lab. Silent and Hideous in its Relentless Assaults. (AKA -HIV and AIDS) Read More »

Side Effects Anyone?

Side Effects Anyone? It is common knowledge that if a person is prescribed or purchase an over-the-counter medication to treat an illness that an average of nine more problematic health symptoms will result from taking that medication. These unwanted results of taking medications are quaintly called side effects.

The term side effects sound very congenial and harmless as these two words roll blissfully from the tongue, but the implications of those words may be psychologically and physiologically devastating and may even produce death on occasions for the user.

Modern medications are not designed to cure anything as they are developed to facilitate a steady flow of revenue for the manufacturers by causing people to become addicted to them. This is why so many medications have a vast assortment of side effects ingrained in them because the producers sidestep and back-pedal as much as legally possible in getting their medications on the market as soon as they can.

Years of in-the-field case studies are skipped in preference to computer simulations to determine the effectiveness of a new medication.

People are often solicited to participate in studies so that medical professionals can determine the usefulness of various medical treatments and medications on selected population groups. Some of these research results are probably used to improve certain medical treatments and medications but I believe that the majority of that data is stored in different databases, especially those that seem to be a cure for an illness and not released for use as long as the current medical treatments and medications remain profitable.

Herbal (all natural) remedies are a popular alternative to conventional medications but from my personal experiences with herbal remedies I can only conclude that the majority, if not all of them that are currently on the market are simply place-a-boo, which is how I used to pronounce the word pla·ce·bo (placebo) until I learned the correct way to pronounce it. And many of these herbal remedies have their own share of side effects.

For example, I purchased an herbal remedy that was being promoted as a sure treatment for overactive bladder (OAB) and after two days of taking this treatment, I had developed an itching rash on both of my lower arms. I stopped taking this herbal remedy and after three days the itching rash was gone from my arms.

This was an extreme reaction to this particular herbal remedy, but in other cases and using different brands for such concerns as increasing energy, I could not feel any difference in how I felt before taking the herbal remedy, in other words, the herbal remedies didn’t do a thing except cost me money.

I have also done some personal research on the effectiveness of current HIV and AIDS medications and have come to the conclusion that their usefulness in treating this illness is a very open question. Many people have told me that they physically feel exactly the same before they begin taking the treatment regimen as they do now while on it.

Their doctors tell them that their CD4 count has been lowered by taking the prescribed medications and that their T-cells are looking better but as far as they can tell they do not feel any different.

Now I seriously advocate that an HIV and AIDS patient take their prescribed medications as directed. I know that these medications are costly and that they appear to be of no benefit, and certainly, they will not cure a person of HIV and AIDS because they are not designed to, but be on the safe side and take them anyway.

There is a cure for HIV and AIDS, but it has not been released yet because researchers are still conducting field tests to study the effects of the virus on different ethnic groups and genders outside of controlled clinical environments.

As I mentioned in another article concerning HIV and AIDS medications, HIV and AIDS is a designed bio-genetics weapon built in the United States to kill so-called black people, homosexuals, and drastically reduce the world’s human population. The virus inadvertently got out of a particular lab while it was still under testing and development and have affect people outside of the targeted groups.

This is no big deal to the HIV and AIDS developers and researchers because just by accident they now have access to a much broader range of diversity in human genie pigs to tweak the effects of the weapon.

When people inform others that HIV and AIDS are a cocktail of many bio-genetics weapons that the United States of America are developing, and have been developing for decades to deploy against its own people, they do not want to believe that their government could be that sinister, but the evidence of this is well documented and Dr. Robert Gallo even admits that he created HIV and AIDS to depopulate the world. Read: This is The Man Who Created HIV & Aids Virus: Robert Gallo & ‘ADMITS HE CREATED AIDS TO DELIBERATELY DEPOPULATE HUMANITY’. the-man-who-created-hiv-aids-virus-robert-gallo-admits-he-created-aids-to-deliberately-depopulate-humanity

Whether this Robert Gallo is responsible for the development of HIV and AIDS is anyone’s guess. If he is not, to claim such a cowardly deed is so despicable as to be unworthy of further comments.

Having stated the above I must mention that the accepted belief of when, where, and how HIV originated is:

When: It is believed that SIV (simian immunodeficiency virus) that attacks the immune systems of monkeys and apes transitioned into HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) around 1920.

Where: Again around 1920 scientists believed that they traced the transmission of SIV to HIV in humans to Kinshasa in the Democratic Republic of Congo (Africa).

How: By the natives butchering and consuming SIV infected monkey meat.

HIV and AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) hit the U.S stage of awareness in the 1980s and was commonly referred to as GCS (gay compromise syndrome) because homosexual males transmitted the HIV and AIDS virus across the United States like a blast furnace. Even today homosexual males are the leading spreaders of HIV and AIDS worldwide.

Regardless of any of that, it is well known that the shadow government of the United States have a depot of biogenetics and other types of weapons at the ready that will be used to exterminate black people and all other deemed undesirables when they feel that the moment is appropriate to launch them starting within the United States first and then annihilating globally.

OK, now that we have that settled, let’s move on.

All medications have a list of side effects that come with them, some are annoying while others are deadly and the secondary effect of a prescribed or over-the-counter drug differs with the individual. Some people build their entire lives around their medications regimen and other people feel that they have a notable status in the number of medications that they take each day. A drug seller on the streets is arrested and sent to prison while doctors and pharmacist are encouraged by cash and influence to create a tidy reservoir of legal drug addicts.

Side effects anyone? Modern medications and medical techniques have raised the life expectancy of people, but these advancements fall far short in assuring a healthy quality of life. People live longer but they are in worry and misery because they have lost a vital element in anyone’s life, their freedom, and independence.

The key side effects of medications are seldom listed on the drug packages, which are becoming addicted to the drug and financial broke as a consequence of paying for the drug. But such is life. We are born. We grow old and ugly. Then we die. Side effects anyone?

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Being Health-Conscious Living With HIV

Being Health Conscious. The best practices for anyone living with HIV and AIDS is to be health conscious. Being health conscious with HIV and AIDS means educating oneself about the virus, a nutritious low-fat diet, proper exercise, and taking the prescribed medications, all of which, I being HIV positive, am very slack on doing. To add to my lackadaisical health-conscious attitude, I am also a cigarette smoker, which is a huge no, no even without a detrimental health condition.

One reason I decided to be lax in taking my HIV medications is because one of the side effects of those medications is erectile dysfunction. But far more than the HIV medications the psychological impact of being HIV positive has turned me into a eunuch because of the ever-present awareness of my illness and the negative consequences that it may have on an innocent woman.

In other words, my genitals have effectively been removed since my dream and my desire for having a loving, caring relationship with a woman has been extinguished by the anxiety that I feel in being a carrier of this hideous virus. Thus, my diligence to be health conscious has been compromised by the feeling that my life, at least a wholesome life, was brought to a disgraceful, and a deserving end when I was diagnosed as being HIV positive.

Now this feeling of being a sub-human because of being HIV positive may well be a case of being too willing to sit on the pity pot and committing suicide by proxy, but what the hell no one lives forever.

My cigarette habit is not only a health-conscious issue but also one that makes me feel like I am a weak-minded person who has allowed himself to be placed under the control of a ragweed. I stop smoking every so often and then start blowing smoke again. The gruesome side of my cigarette habit is that I have been isolating myself from human contact as much as possible for the past number of years and cigarettes have become a murderous companion to ease the loneliness.

Just for today, I am clean and sober and have been so for twenty years since I stopped using crack cocaine. I am not saying that smoking cigarettes are a harder habit to break than drugs or alcohol, but I was younger when I stopped using drugs and saw some daylight ahead of me and had not compounded my health problem with an avalanche of bad choices and decisions that have made me feel even more inadequate and stupid, and less energized to pursue a vigorous health conscious agenda.

Anyone who has allowed themselves to start thinking as I have I would strongly suggest that they cut it out now. Being HIV or AIDS positive is not the end of life but is only one of our lives many challenges that must be faced and successfully managed

I am now old and ugly so for me the bridge has already fallen into the creek and sunk to the bottom, but a young person who is HIV or AIDS positive should live their life to the fullest and work to find a cure for the HIV and AIDS virus, or I should say, make those who have the cure for the HIV and AIDS virus release it.

Being health conscious does not only apply to someone who has an illness but to everyone who wants to be as mentally and physically sound as possible during this fleeting span of time of terrestrial existence.

For a person who is HIV or AIDS positive being health conscious also means being health conscious of others. I do not recommend self-imposed isolation as a method of containment but I do suggest that being very thoughtful and considerate of others is a workable approach to the containment of the HIV and AIDS virus.

I have done and said things during my life that I feel are deserving of death, so for me to be an animated cadaver is a fitting and just punishment for me. I detest being HIV positive. I abhor being a lethal weapon because of the blood that is coursing through my veins.

I hate that when I see a nice-looking woman my loathsome virus makes me speechless and immobile. I am ashamed of smoking cigarettes, which is why I do it as discretely as I can in public, but my clock has only a few more ticks left in it and if all goes well I will die before my murderous smoky companion kills me with a slow agonizing death.

Being health conscious is not merely a good thing to do but is a necessity if one has a desire to be mentally and physically strong and energetic. A person can allow themselves to fall into a sense of depression and quasi-hopelessness but at the end of the day, the day has come to an end, and life is too fragile and fleeting to waste a moment of it in anger and self-pity.

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Homosexuality and the New World Order Agenda

Homosexuality. There is no debating that a major outline of the New World Order plan for world dominance is a drastic reduction of the Earth’s human population. A handful of their plans for world dominance that were either deliberately instigated by them or happened by coincidence are:

  • The final solution for Germany’s social and ethic problems during World War Two.
  • The communist purges in Russia conducted by Lenin and Stalin before, during and after World Wars One and Two.
  • The purges in China conducted by Mao Zedong.
  • The slaughters of Pol Pot in Cambodia.
  • The ethnic cleansing of the Yugoslav and Bosnian wars.
  • The current purging of Christians in Egypt and other parts of the Middle-east.
  • The continuous slaughter of millions in the rest of Africa beyond Egypt.
  • The use of gay (homosexual males) to spread HIV and AIDS, among other diseases, worldwide.
  • The slaughter of well over a million people in Iraq by the United States to takeover that nation’s oil wells.

Are but faint and crude glimpses of what the New World Order has in store for humanity.

Homosexuality and gay marriages are being promoted as a human right. And true, it is a person’s innate right to be whatever she or he pleases if he or she does not infringe upon another person’s innate right to be in harmony with the natural order of the cosmos.

So-called black males have always had an identity crisis in the United States of America as to whether they were men or boys, and so, a disgraceful number of them have opted to be counterfeit girls instead.

This decision of so-called African-American males to be a female forgery fits the New World Order’s designs for the extermination of what it considers to be inferior human species quite well with very little effort on their part to reduce the population of so-called black people worldwide.

Homosexuality is now heavily promoted by the media and entertainment industries that are control behind the scenes by New World Order folks and by people who simply hate other people as a less expensive means to reduce the human population.

Nuclear and Bio-genetic weapons are being stocked piled as a last resort to drastically reduce the Earth’s human population by the one world visionaries for fear of the collateral damage that the deployment of these weapons will inflict upon them even hidden away in their shelters and bunkers.

The data that has been gathered by the launching of gay (homosexual males) infected with the HIV and AIDS virus onto the public have enabled researchers to refine that virus so that it can now be specifically targeted to certain groups of people according to their age, race, physical and mental health, and gender. Fund by avid supports of the New World Order, gay rights advocates are now exceedingly loud and obnoxious and pinned up like billboards on every form of communication and information media.

The target of these homosexual propaganda broadcasts is not teenagers or adults but the small children whose minds are still very receptive to external inputs and suggestions. You must remember that the New World Order concept and its growing and developing agendas are more than two hundred years old, so these people are focused and directed about what they want to carry out and pass it down from generation to generation.

Not saying that it is the best solution, but Adolf Hitler may have had the right solution concerning the homosexual problem in his country by exterminating the males and re-educating the young feminine looking females. Gay (homosexual males) are high volume carriers of diseases and plagues which are the reason why the so-called African-American community is so racked with the HIV and AIDS virus.

The quest for global dominance is as old as one person dominating another person, and then one house dominating another house, and then one village dominating another village, and so it goes embracing larger and larger spheres.

The One World Order visionaries will not achieve their ultimate goals of world domination and will go up in flames like all the other would-be one world rulers throughout human history have gone before them, but the human, animal, and natural desolation that they will unleash and leave in their attempts to rule the world will be mind-boggling.

Some people think that homosexuality is cute and many comedians base many of their jokes on this distortion of nature, but a person who is dying of AIDS and a person whose life has been turned inside out by HIV cannot see anything funny about a gay male. Like maggots that have eaten away a corpse, homosexuals will be tossed into the flames by the world rulers when they have no more use for them.

Now the contents of this article may give one the impression that I am a homophobe, and I can assure you that I am. When I was eleven years old a gay male confronted me when I was alone beside a river. He promised that he will throw me into the river and drown me if I did not do as he said. I will not go into any more of the disgusting details except to say that my self-esteem and my sense of person was thrown into that murky river and drowned that day.

The One World Order gang will use, distort, and twist whatever they need to in order to bring their dream of the decapitation of the human spirit to fruition. They want to eliminate at least ninety percent of the worlds human population and make slaves of the rest. This gang of losers want to be worshiped as gods having the power of life and death over their infidels and they are now using the repugnant squalid of homosexuality as a tool to confuse and disorient people.

You seldom hear of HIV and AIDS anymore on the mainstream media because the would-be world rulers have ordered them to downplay it because it is a direct assault against homosexuality which they want to promote as being a legitimate lifestyle. But the hospital beds and the grave stones are a dreadful witness to the consequences of homosexuality and they speak in volume of how base this practice is.

Some people do not believe that there is a group of people who are scheming for world dominance. A certain so-called black man did not believe that his white master would hang and then burn him until he was being dragged to a tree to be lynched. Homosexuals are extremely loud, visual, and noisy, giving the ignorant the impression that this sordid behavior is the norm. Well, it isn’t.

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What Does It Take to Stir You Into ACTION?

What Does It Take. Can you trust Yes. Register is a secure communications channel for HIV and AIDS positive people to express themselves and encourage one another, as such, wants your membership and your encouraging voice far more than your money. is created by an HIV positive person who is living the life that this virus brings. I personally know what it is to feel like a walking plague and to be fearful of being in intimate contact with people, even loved ones. I know what it is to be on the low-income scale and must pay co-payments for HIV medications.

I live every day with the dense dark shadow of HIV hovering over my head and know how it diminishes the quality of life, tarnishes dreams, and turns every small glimmer of happiness into sadness. is not a scam because being infected with HIV and AIDS is not a scam.

You don’t hear very much of HIV and AIDS today in the mainstream media but sickbeds are still being filled, early graves are still being dug, and lives are still being shattered by the HIV and AIDS virus. No one is begging you for anything.

We who are HIV and AIDS positive will live and die with or without your financial aid, however, your support would make many lives less stressful in the areas of medications, food, shelter, clothing, and transportation. Become a member of, and if you have a mind too, give and donate. So, what does it take to stir you into action? God forbid, not by living the life that I live as an HIV positive person.

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Who are Team Members

Team Members. Our team is composed of our family members who communicate with one another and build strong and lasting bonds by this interaction. Our philosophy is to enrich our lives personally and collectively. Each new member is a layer of understanding and enlightenment that brings out the best in all of us.

We work together for a common goal, making the cure for HIV and AIDS available because we believe that there is a cure for the HIV and AIDS virus and we want that cure released and distributed.

This is our team, YOU and YOU, standing out and making good things happen for all of us.

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Become a Member of is focused exclusively upon HIV and AIDS positive persons. needs your help and support to aid those persons whose finances are inadequate to meet daily living expenses and the need to have their HIV and AIDS medications. needs you to become one of its members in this growing community of proactive people where we encourage and reinforce one another. is free to join and take part in its open discussions. All communications are private between members as confidentiality is strictly enforced. is a point of contact and a meeting place for people who are HIV and AIDS positive. It is a community of people that share a common concern having the same goals and are learning to find peace of mind and to be positive and productive in living with this illness.

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